Unable to reach you Chapter 1

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I woke up to a sound of my clock ticking. indicating, that it's time for me to wake up and go to work.

"ah, i wanna sleep some more." i mumbled to myself, still half asleep.

I slowly get out of my blanket, and starts stretching. I then walk to the bathroom, and washed my face.

I look at the mirror, "i look.. okay. No need to get ready!" i exclaimed, as i finish brushing my teeth.

I live alone in my tiny apartment,  i started living alone when i was 17. I thought back then it would just be a piece of cake, but hell no it isn't. I had to cook for myself, wash my clothes, and work. In other words, i have to do everything on my own, without my parent's help.

But the good side is, its peaceful, i can think clearly cause im alone. Not that i want to be alone forever or something. I can do anything i want when im alone.

I hear my phone rang, from the bed-side table. It was a message from my landlord. "Eirine, when the hell are you gonna pay? your due was last week for god's sake!" The message says.

"shit. I frogot!" i mumbled. I then starts to type my reply. But before i could finish, I hear a repeated loud bang from the door. It was my landlord.

BANG. BANG. "eirene!! open this door!" the landlord yells, as she continues banging the door.

"God, is she insane???!" i panicked. I immediately run to the door and opened it.

"ms. Reign! good morning! want some coffee?" i faked a smile, as i let her inside. "when are you planning to pay, huh? do you want to get kicked out?" she utter, sternly.

I sighed as i pat her shoulders, "the truth is, Ms. Reign. I just got a new job yesterday, and I'll only be starting today." i exclaimed.

"so? like i give a damn?" she hissed. "the thing is, if you let me work for a week, I'll be able to pay you right?" i smile, 

"you want me to wait for another damn week?" she exclaimed, "look, this time it's for real! just trust me! Ms. Reign!" i plead.

She sighed, "fine, fine. Next week is your last chance got it?" I nodded repeatedly.

"if you don't pay, i won't hesitate to kick your ass out." she added, making me a bit anxious.

"ha..ha..ha that's ridiculous, I'll really pay! i mean it!" i reassured.

Finally, she left which made me sign in relief. She's always been like this.

I look at the clock, and realized i was already late for work. "oh my god!" i mumbled, as i immediately change to my formal clothes, a white long sleeves and skinny jeans. Yes, I'm sorry I'm not good when it comes to picking clothes okay? i just don't really think about it.

I tied my hair to a high ponytail, and wear my shoes. "all right. ready to go!" i mumbled, before finally leaving.

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