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As you may have seen by my announcement, I am no longer writing. Yes, I know some of you are not surprised considering my last activity on this account was a year ago, but this is something I wanted to get out.

During 2021 when I first began to write, I was but a naive 14 year old child whose only way of experiencing some media was through this very site. I was on Wattpad since 2019 actually but I was more of a lurker than I eventually dipped my hand into the overused genre of Male Reader, Harem, DxD, OP, etc.

But I enjoyed it, sure they weren't the greatest but I enjoyed making those stories and I enjoyed it everytime someone read them. It was amusing to me to see what overused slop would right out of my brain and into word form. I even made friends through here like Soren, it was a great experience for me back then.

But now, times have changed. Many of the friends I made have left the site or are no longer active (except for grandmega154 go check him out), my life was becoming busier and busier with my job and school, and overall I stopped caring for this stuff. I wish it wasn't like this but I couldn't help, my mind and life isn't the same now, with drafts I can barely come up with an idea for the main character.

I can't do this anymore. I can't have all these stories up here and have nothing come out of them, if you want to take them and have your own spin on them then be my guest the only thing I ask for is to make those stories as loved as I do. Please and thank you.

If you want to talk to me about whatever then that's fine, I may not be writing anymore but I will be somewhat active on here so don't be scared to interact with me.

This is Tashiro Yuuta, previously known as Leo Persona, signing off. Thank you for all that you have given me, everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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