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Uzi awoke with a start.  She checked her surroundings.  She was in bed, in her house, no abominations anywhere to be found.  She looked to her left, and saw N. the love of her life, staring back at her.

"Bad dream?" N inquired.  Uzi sighed and curled into his embrace.  It had been 20 years since everything had happened, the near destruction of the planet.  She had fought the Absolute Solver and won, restoring the planet to what it once was.  Cyn befriended and later fell in love with the AS, who she transformed into a worker named Absedy, Abby for short.  V was living happily with Lizzy and Doll, and J even managed to find true love in the form of the shy brainy Emily, or as Lizzy always calls her, Final Girl.  Even though they were living their best lives, Uzi was still haunted by the horrors that plagued her late adulthood in the form of reoccurring dreams, sometimes of her rampage at the camp and mercilessly dispatching Emily, simply giggling as she begged for mercy, other times the moment where she witnessed Doll collapse, oil and metal torrenting out of a gaping hole in her chest cavity.  She knew it wasn't the AS doing it, Abby wasn't that being anymore.

"It's just painful," Uzi said, lightly crying into N's chest.  N stroked her hair as she let it out.  Seeing her this way was heartbreaking, so he'd do all he can to help her through it.  

Even after they neutralized the AS and she became a part of the family, they were repeatedly oppressed by Earth.  First there were the hundreds of sentinels that were sent in 3072, when he and Uzi had turned 20, but luckily they were easy to deal with.  Then when they were 21 N brought himself to propose, only for Uzi to propose at the exact same time.  They both said yes, of course.  They were quickly followed by V, Lizzy, and Doll, and a year after that J and Emily tied the knot.  Cyn and Abby later followed, with their wedding being held at the very end of 3074.  In 3075 Uzi earned her Coding and Engineering Degrees, and she began designing robotic pets.  Her first success was creating two robo cats for her friend Alex.  Alex owned two real cats, but she was afraid because they wouldn't live for very long.  Uzi made these robots empty, allowing for Alex to upload the consciousnesses of her cats, who didn't seem to notice anything different.  N became a pediatrician, wanting to help children when they were hurt.  He was also a psychiatrist, helping people with their stress and their problems.  

Then in 3076 everything went to hell.  Earth sent a task force of ships with the intent of completely wiping or enslaving the workers on Copper-9.  They started by attacking the capital, Alloy City.  At this point the workers had already developed a government and a military, utilizing the old DD multi tools as both weapons and tools.  The battle began going south for the workers, until Abby unleashed her full power.  Seeing the massive [null] hole and the tendrils, the forces of Earth fled as they remembered what it did to them.  They thought the battle was over, but the humans had one last resort.  They fired a thermonuclear warhead from low orbit, aimed directly at Alloy City.  Everybody tried to stop it, but its out casing was magnetized, rendering the Solver useless and preventing anyone from approaching it.  With no other choice, they abandoned the city, leaving it to its fate.  Uzi, N, and their friends covered the retreat.  They had barely made it when the warhead impacted.  A massive flash lit up the sky like a rising sun, and soon a massive dust cloud carried by the remaining blast force swept toward them.

N remembered seeing the flash, the cloud of death sweeping towards them.  Soon they were enveloped and doing all they could to avoid being swept up into the air, which would mean certain death.  N remembered the tight grip on the tree, Uzi also grabbing hold to another.  Cyn and Abby tried their best to hold on, but a chunk of debris landed a direct hit, sending them flying as oil and shards of glass and metal flew off their bodies.  Uzi saw their limp forms flying towards them, and jumped to catch them.  Her tail latched onto the tree as she wrapped them in a tight protective hug.  Then Uzi felt a jolt, and saw the part of the tree her tail had latched to giving way.  She braced for the worst as she flew freely, only to find herself in N's embrace as remained firmly to the ground.  Even as a Worker Drone, he was insanely strong to be able to catch Uzi, carrying Cyn and Abby as she flew through the air, and not even be knocked back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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