I try anger management

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I was almost reaching the cabin area when I ran into Luke.

- There you are. Annabeth was afraid you might have been eaten by spiders. - He laughed softly.

- Nah, I just went to feed her mom's pets dinner. - I smiled back to him.

- Sorry I didn't came back to our cabin sooner. This first day has been kicking my ass, literally. Twice. -

I must have poorly hidden my sarcastic tone because he really cracked a laugh.

- Let me guess. Clarisse? - He looked at me with an knowing eyes.

- Yes! I thought that I just caught her in a really bad day but everyone is so unimpressed about her being an asshole to me, who's done nothing to her but just exist too near to her that I'm thinking that she's just born a hater. -

Luke smiled to himself, amused by my anger. He even rolled his eyes, like if he had heard this before.

- Clarisse has fire in her. - He stated.

- She's an arsonist then. -

Surely with his age and experience he will think of her as a chihuahua instead of the idiot she is.

- Come on, let's get those things back before you break them with some exaggerated gesture or something. Dinner will be in half an hour. - He said.

- You guys use a lot of dishes? Chiron said that Clarisse and I have to wash them tonight. - I asked once we were walking.

- Oh so more quality time with your new friend, huh? Yeah, we are a lot of people, so expect a tiny mountain of them. -

His smile never faltered. When Luke grows up and becomes an adult, he will have a lot of wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. That's for sure.

Before I could continue complaining, we arrived at cabin 6. The door was open, revealing Annabeth in the frame of it and a burly black-skinned boy fixing the lock in just seconds.

The counselor from cabin 6 thanked him and the boy gathered his things. As he left, he passed by Luke's side and gave us a nod as a quick greet.

- You lived. - Annabeth stated with her arms crossed and a harsh look.

I came closer to her to give her the pencil holders, which she took still wary.

- Unfortunately for us both, yes. - I let out a nervous laugh.

Annabeth had a strange look in her face, I couldn't pinpoint an emotion, but I knew she was uncomfortable.

- Sorry. - I said.

Annabeth looked at her feet. I hope she understood all of the things I was sorry for.

Luke put a hand on my shoulder and gave us both a warm smile.

- I think we're all a little too tired for today. Come on, Ada, let's stop by our cabin before it's time for dinner. - He said.

Without further ado, we left. Inside the cabin, Luke gave me a couple of camp t-shirts to change into.

The dinner horn sounded and all the campers left their cabins to go to the dining hall.

- You know, anger is seen as an obstacle and a burden, but if you use it well, it can be a stepping stone and a reason for something better. You can do good with it. - Luke said.

I didn't know how to respond. I doubt that Annabeth told him what happened but he comprehended that something bad happened between us. He knew I had hurted Annabeth, his little sister, and he was trying to help me. I couldn't make excuses anymore, I needed to change.

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