Caged and confused

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"I was waiting for anything  to surface, some memories or thoughts, but there was nothing"

Percival awoke.

He was restrained down to a medical bed, his legs and hands, even throat. A dim light beamed down on him and he wasn't sure if he should attempt to free himself. He wasn't even confused, this moment felt only empty, but he knew he would have questions soon.
Only who will he ask them to?

Perhaps this strange silhouette that's preparing some things on the opposite side of the tiny room he was in. It gained Percy's attention when his head stopped ringing and he could hear the tiny metal clings.

Percy tried to look around the other side, but his neck was cramped down too much and by the time he managed to move back in his starting position the strange figure had moved to him and stared down over his body.

It was now when Percy felt the first signs of fear as he looked over the strange.. man. He had a white lab coat and all parts that would show his skin were covered by gloves, cloth and a full-on gas mask. Though all of his attire was slim and compact, probably to allow him to work with the tools he was about to use on him. The restraints on Percy loosened up a bit and he could finally look down on himself.

To his shock, he noticed both of his hands were black with blue veins, but only his hands. He himself was still dressed in normal everyday clothing.
It was now when he tried to remember something finally, but nothing, absolutely nothing came to mind. Not even his own name.

He then looked back at the person inspecting him.

"Who are you?" - he said in a quiet, partially shaken voice.

The person tilted his head slightly and this movement revealed a nameplate on his coat's left chest side
- Warden-C1

This ''name'' only further confused Percy, but he had no idea what to even ask at this point ir to make of it. Clearly, he was here for a reason.

While he thought that, this "Warden" had released his one hand to take a closer look. Using some tools that Percy couldn't recognize.

But at the moment when Warden decided to use a sharp tool to pierce his skin, Percy's reflexes took the better of him and he managed to bash the Warden back a little

Warden stood there for a second before turning his gaze back at Percy and clearly saying

-I would much appreciate some cooperation.

Percy felt even more scared, he didn't mean to bash this already frightening person and could barely hide his sharpened breath.
But the Warden seemed unbothered.
- The first test has been... successful

He stiffed up the restraints again and began pushing Percy with his bed out of the room.

They entered a wide corridor. It was even less lit than the room they were in, with aquatic blue lighting. While Percy felt sleepy, he tried to keep his eyes open to understand these corridors they were going through.
But it was largely pointless. They were all the same.
Until the scene changed to an enormously wide, empty space with a walkway in the middle and cubic cell like augments on the sides. Warden stopped at one of them and a bridge extended to the cell. He pushed Percy in it and ordered him.
- Climb out the bed and stand against that wall

The restraints on the bed released and Percy finally got to stand up. Once he did, the bed automatically moved to the exit of the cell and folded itself through it. Percy looked at the Warden as he was about to leave. He suddenly gained the courage to shout out a question that had been burning in him this entire time.

- Wait! where am I?

Warden looked back.

-You're in prison Percy

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