5th stage of grief

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 Percy was in his cell, curled up in a corner rethinking all that had happened to him so far.

''in prison? for what? is it because of this?''
he looked at his hands, they were still dark and beast like.
''Somethings wrong with me, but I have no idea what''. 
He looked around his cell. It was in a form of simple square block. about  4 meters in all lengths. A bed in one corner and a separated area as an entire but very compact restroom. The floor was as hard metal and the walls felt like they were made out of a hard rubber.
The ceiling had one huge embedded light source that shined about as much as the room in which Percy awoke.

He went to the door side of the cell, which was all glass with the corners being reinforced with more metal.
Percy touched the glass and strangely couldn't feel it, he put his forehead next and it immediately received a slight cold feel. He snapped back looking at his hands, the feeling that the black smudge covering his hands was expanding.

Frustrated and scared he punched the glass in front of him as hard as he could, as if not wanting his hands attached to him and not caring what happens to them.
But as soon as he struck the window, he felt harp pain in the right hand, he used for the punch. So strong that he fell back and on floor, holding his right hand.

Percy began to cry, just not a lot as he tried to contain himself. 

'' why... wh..''

Percy felt no reason to ponder about why's and how's as they wouldn't be of much help right now. All he could do is wait/

And wait he did, but for a short while as it was in few minutes that the Warden returned to his cell. In his hands there was a plate and on it some boxes. He pushed them through a double window on floor, but Percy hesitated to reach for it.

Warden stood up and looked at him for a moment before calmly explaining.

''It's food, made it myself''

He's tone deep and dry as always, but also friendly. Maybe it was because Percy just liked to hear another person talking. He finally took the plate and opened the boxes. In them were cooked potato's with light sauce, the other box contained water. It wasn't much even from the looks of it, but Percy felt at least cared for. *This warden looks scarier than he is* - He thought while munching on the tasteless potatoes, but he paid it no mind and enjoyed the food.

When he picked up the water box, he raised his head to see of the Warden was still there and to his honest shock he was. Warden stood there as if observing him, only taking 3 steps back a second after Percy looked at him. Warden stopped after the 3rd step, glanced over Percy one more time and then left completely.

Percy felt a little dumbfounded but still finished his meal, and as he chomped down the last potato he heard a ping in the left corner of the glass wall. There was an opening near the wall, big enough to fit the plate in.
He first crawled to and looked through it. There was nothing to see, so he put the plate in and the opening closed.
"Why does he need a system for that if he just brings the food himself?" - Percy wondered
"Does he just want to see what I'm doing or.. have a company with me?"-
It was an unlikely thought, but he didn't want to rule it out.

But then.. if he does make friends with Warden, should he use that to break out? Not that it would work flawlessly in any case, but he still doesn't know why exactly he is here.
Now the only option was to wait again and this point the situation really started to settle on him.
All alone, in a cell, with only little clues of why.

The lights suddenly went out and before Percy could react the voice of Warden sounded in his cell.

- Go to sleep

Percy got a little stressed, he was definitely observed now. Maybe he could use this chance to converse with the Warden so he shouted out.

- Wait, please, can I ask you a few things?

A short silence followed for a brief moment, then warden sighed.

- Look Percy I shouldn't be talking to you, just go to sleep and try not to think about.. any of this.

Percy cried out

- I just want to talk, don't leave me!

The speakers went silent for a second but then warden came up one last time.

- Just go to sleep, period.

For a few more times Percy tried to cry out for any response but the room was silent. Anything but his cries would have been enough, but there was nothing.

Percy finally sorted himself in the bed, with the thin blanket and closed his eyes. The loneliness gently downed on him. He did everything he could, there was no reason to be sad about that, but all the other feelings were not silenced with this one revelation.

He hopes to see Warden tomorrow, surely he will come to take a look at him.

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