Waving sadness

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When Dan met Shun next day, Shun was seem really distressed.

"Hey, Shun!" Dan said, "Is everything ok? You are seem to be really worried today."

"I'm fine..." Shun's eyes started tearing.

"No, Shun! I see something is wrong. Please tell me what is it!"

"Just..." Shun couldn't talk normally anymore.

Dan hugged Shun. He started feeling a bit better.

"My mother... I started remembering my mother..."His eyes tearing again, "I lost her... when I was 7."

"SHUN!" Dan became concerned.

"Shun, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry."

Shun went more to his worries.

"She is missing for many years. And I think she died... alone" He couldn't keep himself from sobbing anymore.

"Shun... I don't know what to tell you... Just... I'm always there if you need help"

"Dan..." Shun's eyes were gleaming from tears, "I just... don't know how to say Thank you."

Dan embraced Shun. They were hugging until the rest of Awesome Brawlers came.

"Hi everybody!" Lia shouted in her active, high voice.

"Dan, Shun... Are you hugging each other?" Ajit asked the boys.

"N-no! I just... fell on Dan." Shun tried to lie.

"Shun rarely lies" Wynton told others, "we must trust him"

They believed. Shun was glad they did.

"Actually..." Dan started talking, but Shun showed him a sign so Dan stopped his talk.

"Everything is alright" Shun insured his friends.

Lightning barked happily. AB fed him and started creating a new video.

Althought mother was still in Shun's mind, he became less concerned. AB helped him.

But most important help was Dan.

Sun, Moon and Earth (Dan x Shun x Magnus)Where stories live. Discover now