why, why do I yearn for a love that will never return,

maybe it's the way he smiles at me or the way he makes me smile, or maybe its the way he makes me feel inside,

while i was falling for him he was falling for another, i thought he was my soulmate the missing piece to my heart, but i was wrong he was the missing piece for another's heart. 

everyday they would walk past me , hand in hand, it wasn't just a constant reminder of him it was also a reminder of something i thought would last forever.

they were like yin and yang, black and white, night and day the complete opposite yet  perfect for each other.

she was as lively as the sun and he was peaceful like the moon.

she was like a sunny morning like he was the rainy night.

she was like the  burning fire and he was like the serene sea.

no matter how much i deny it they were a perfect match which leads me to question will i ever meet the one they say in all those cliche love stories or is it all just a fantasy

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