• Awkward situation • pt. 2

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"So what's your plan?" I ask Taylor

"Oh don't worry about it right now." She responds

"Ok then?" I say, "can I go back outside now?"

"Yea you can." Ashlyn answers

I walk outside of the bathroom And see Aiden talking to Ben. (More like typing but still) while Logan was sitting to the side on a chair. I guess he got here while I was in the bathroom.
"Hey Aiden!" I say as I walk up to them.

"Hey Y/n!" He says back, "we are thinking about playing hide and seek, do you wanna join?"

"Sure." I say

"Okay Tyler's counting first!" Aiden says as he runs off into the distance. I quickly run up the stairs and through his house to be met with an entrance to a library. I walk through the library and to a specific bookshelf. As I pull out the book that was titled "in the PR" (my thing wouldn't let me italicize for some reason) the book shelf swung open and revealed a steep spiral staircase, leading to a secret hideout Aiden and I made a few months ago. I walk up the stairs, hearing the click from the door, signaling that the door closed back. As I got up the stairs I was met with the familiar room, with a little window that you can open to sit on the roof, leds, band posters, and a speaker for playing music. It also had a mini fridge stocked with soda and energy drinks, which was right next to a tv with a gaming console connected to it. All brought together by the two beanbags sitting on the floor next to a small table.

Finally deciding to hideout on the roof, I slowly slid open the window, not really thinking about the fact that it was already unlocked. As I stepped onto the roof, I turned to the side just to see a familiar face staring back at me. It was Aiden. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Tylers voice coming from the ground below. Seconds after Aiden grabbed me and pulled me onto the roof with him. I landed on top of him, our faces merely inches away. I admired his features before finally realizing where I was. I quickly got up and sat down on the other side of the roof. The area of the roof we are on is kinda small, hidden by the other parts of the roof as long as you're not standing up. We sat there for a while before getting a call from Tyler saying that he gave up. We went back downstairs and soon started playing other games.

Time skip lollllll

We were all sitting on the couch and watching movies, Ben and Aiden had gone to get air mattresses for everyone to sleep on since it was getting pretty late. Yawning, I decided to check the time on my watch, 23:16, yeah I'm ready to go to bed. As we set up the air mattresses, Aiden noticed we were missing one. I noticed just a little bit too late that Taylor was grinning.

"Hey Y/n why don't you and Aiden share one? You two are the closest here so it shouldn't be a problem." Taylor says while smiling innocently, like she doesn't know what she's doing.

"Yea no, I can just share with Ashlyn." I responded looking at her as if she was insane.

"I kick in my sleep." Ashlyn states.

"Yea it's true, one time when I slept over at her house I woke up with a black eye." Taylor says with a slight frown, "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you Y/n, Especially right before you're going on that trip."

"Oh my gosh fine." I say while mentally cursing at her. So this was their plan they were talking about. Then it hit me. I would be sleeping with Aiden. Just the thought causing me to go red. Looking at her one more time, I quietly climbed under the covers on the air mattress and fell asleep.

Time skip agaiiinmnn (I don't really wanna write about the phantom realm rn so let's just say they hung out the entire time :D)

I slowly regained consciousness, It was warm. Keeping my eyes closed, I snuggled into the warmth and almost fell back asleep, just to be met with the sound of cameras flashing and Taylor's screaming. Thoughts from the night before flashed through my mind, reminding me who I had to share a bed with, Aiden. I instantly opened up my eyes and lifted up my head, Seeing what it was that was so warm, I was laying on top of Aiden, with his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. I looked up to see Taylor grinning down at me. I couldn't get up because Aiden was still asleep, with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I looked up at Taylor once more before laying back down on Aiden. It's not like I could get up anyway. Taylor let out another squeal but I just ignored it, soon drifting back to sleep.


Oh my gosh I haven't written anything like this in so long, so I hope it didn't suck. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this idea I had and I'll be back to write more later, also am i the only one that feels like Aiden would be the type of person to have a secret hide out? Just me? Okay.

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