Chapter 11: Someone kill that dead bitch

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I walked quietly, hands on my scythe (which was currently in bracelet form), surrounded in a thick haze of darkness.

"Which way do we go now?" I heard Lea ask me.

"Well I don't know. Just because I practically live here from time to time doesn't mean I know where the bad guy would live. Also I don't even know why I'm at the front, I've never been to this section of the underworld before." I replied calmly.

"Guys, quit it, the prophecy said to travel west so west we shall go and Tabi there are three reasons you are in front: one; you've been here the most so if we run into anyone or anything you'll have the best guess on whether we can trust them or not, two; you're the strongest out of all of us, you've known about this side of life for longer than us and finally three; you can see in the fucking dark, unlike us plus you can fly." Phoebe shouted, Josh and Tyra nodding along to every word she said.

"Fine." I grumbled and kept walking, fiddling with the straps of my bag.

After a while of walking across the barren expanse I heard a familiar voice talking in a cave ahead of us.

I turned to Tyra and Lea to see if they recognised it and they shared a knowing glance.

I beckoned the group towards the cave entrance and I poked my head around the cave's mouth.

The sight I was met with was rather peculiar considering past events.

A shortish, pale, blonde boy stood talking to a large mass of monsters and next to him stood, was that my father?! Across the cave a cage sat with a familiar goddess locked in it.

"You guys position yourselves around the monsters. Jaiden, Sam work on getting Hecate out of that cage. Tyra, Lea and I have a score to settle with that bitch in the middle. You guys don't know him but he and his allies murdered like fifty people a few years ago." I whispered, pulled the other two towards the entrance and summoned my wings.

"Octavian!" I bellowed and pulled my bracelet of, summoning my scythe.

"Miss me?" He asked tauntingly.

"Not really, now what the fuck are you doing and what are you doing here papá?" My father's figure turned to look at me and instead of his usual deep black eyes, a pair of piercing gold ones stared back at me. Welp I guess we found our eidolon.

"Only three of you? You had a whole ass army of your graecus scum last time." Octavian said, drawing my eyes back to him.

"Bitch answer me, what the fuck are you doing?" I shouted, Lea and Tyra flinching slightly at the sudden loud noise in their ears.

"Well let's just say I made a friend in tartarus," He started and gestures to pap- the eidolon. "He happily helped me get out of that wretched place and possessed Thanatos to do so. As for the monsters, well we didn't really have a fair fight last time did we, you had that stupid metal dragon on your side."

"You know full well that the war was in your favour with Gaea being on your side and all, now let's get this fight started shall we?" I asked and we charged into battle.

I was immediately swarmed by monsters ranging from hellhounds and dracaenae to the occasional cyclops here and there. I slashed through beast after beast with messor (my scythe), not able to stop for even a millisecond without being attacked.

I slowly made my way over to Octavian to help Lea and Tyra fight him. I felt something start to shift at the back of my mind. I choked back a small sob, I thought I had more time. I started to fly in their direction, murdering anything that came in my way.

I watched as Tyra fought against Octavian, Lea nowhere to be seen. I turned slightly and saw her, slumped against a boulder, a sword stabbed through her back, directly through where her heart was.

I ran to kneel at her side.
"Tabi." She breathed quietly and started coughing up blood.

"Hey it will be all right, don't worry." I told her.

"" she explained between ragged breaths as blood pooled beneath her. I muttered a quick incantation and watched as the pain in her eyes slowly faded.

"Thank you Tabi." She whispered

"Don't thank me. A hero like you deserves a painless death." I told her and watched as her soul left her body.

I felt my sorrow and grief turn to anger as I stood up. Rage clouded my vision and I stormed over to Octavian, blood still dripping from my fresh wounds.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What's got your knickers in a twist?" He said stuttering in fear slightly. I didn't reply only charged at him.

I swung my scythe at him only for him to block the blow which would have otherwise been fatal.

While blocking me he hooked his leg around mine and knocked me over.

"Not only you have gotten better." While he was distracted with his yapping I twisted and threw his weight to my right so I was on top of him and my scythe against his neck, vaguely aware of Ben summoning lightning with Phoebe's spear and striking the eidolon with it.

"Maybe I can teach that pea-sized brain of yours something for once. No one and I mean no one hurts my pack." I told him coldly and brought my scythe down.


1011 words kind of short considering it was the final battle and all that crap.

Ciao my little dinos hope you enjoyed some of that drama.

I think we have one or two more chapters till this book is over and I possibly start on a prequel and/or sequel!

~Question Of The Chapter~

What story do your parents always tell others about you?

Vote. Comment. And see you next week.

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