Episode 44: My Sister & I: Two sides of the same coin

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After the duel which ended up in dissapointment two boys went back into backstage when boys walked in they saw three girls. Two girls close to Neo spotted them as Nokia rushed and hugged Neo tight crying and holding his shirt "Neo!! I am sorry I was weak! " - Neo hugged his friend and petted her head "You weak? What happened? " - He asked his friend as Laura grabbed Hassan by his throath and pinned him to the wall "Speak! Speak now you low life bug! Why ? Why did you try to get your hands on that card! Have you got good beating?! - Laura looks at the boy and growls letting a mighty roar "Let him go! I got the card back Neo smiles and looks over his shoulder waving a card while still hugging Nokia as Laura huffs letting go of Hassan. "Who do you think I am ? Of course I would never give up on my deck or the card that means everything to me" - As Neo said that Emerald Green Flame erupts from nowhere and girl with long green hair emerged from it. Her hair was as long as Neo's and her eyes were exactly the same color. They were twins after all. Girl was wearing long elegant black dress and red hills, it was truly a beautiful young lady but one detail was something unique. That detail was Dark green Mask covering one side of her face as she grins evil flames dissapeared "~ Hello, my dear brother! Long time no see " - girl said

 as Neo looks at her "Naomi?! Is that really you? - Neo asked rushing to hug her as green flames erupt once again and giant phoenix rised up and rushed at everyone in the room specialy Laura who stood her ground as Black Omnimon materialise and bl...

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as Neo looks at her "Naomi?! Is that really you? - Neo asked rushing to hug her as green flames erupt once again and giant phoenix rised up and rushed at everyone in the room specialy Laura who stood her ground as Black Omnimon materialise and block the attack making Naomi hiss "So? You finally showed your ugly face Mr. Omegamon? But wait what is with the armor? Since when you became the edge lord?!" - she laughs as original Omnimon appeared "So good to see you too Naomi? As you can see I am not"edge lord " and the"edge lord" is my brother. As for your brother over here *points at Neo* well .... He knows how to be pain but I wouldn't want it any other way" - Omnimon said as Laura growls "WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY! THIS GUY OVER HERE IS AS STRONG AS DORK'S OMEGAMON!"
Nokia smirks "Blondy, I will dell with you later! Right now! There is another person in the room I have to take care of! " - She said pointing at Nokia as her eyes glow making Nokia gulps

"I am ready Naomi. I have no objection there, but please believe me when I said that I knew nothing about what my father has done to aunt and uncle! I swear! " - Nokia pleed to the girl as Naomi stood unfazed by Nokia's words

Neo looks down as Nokia continues talking "but there is something I heard! It was back then,big brother Hunter came to our house and after few moments he went furious. I have never seen him so angry before, to my dad he was always kind , but I guess my dad said something that ticket off Big Brother Hunter really bad" - Nokia said looking away as Naomi growls "Aside leaving us orphans what is the worse that man could have said or done?! And for the love of God! Never! And I mean never! Call Hunter "big brother" ! You have no rights to that, you hear me?! " - Naomi said holding Nokia by the throath as red hair girl accepted her fate Laura and Neo stood between the two and Neo hugged his sister from the back trying to calm her down while Laura helped Nokia up as Nokia was trying to catch her breath.
"My father wanned to adopt Neo into our family! I was happy, I won't lie I loved Neo! And I still do, but there was different motive my father had in mind" - Nokia said as both Laura and Naomi growls.
"Nokia ~ my dear I understand you feel for Neo how you feel and you spent most of his life with him , BUT DO NOT CLAIM HIM AS YOURS! NOT INFRONT OF ME !" - Laura said showing her wings as Naomi steeped back scared a bit but felt Neo still clinging to her as she smiled

"I am glad you are here brother, after a long time I found you atleast. But one thing still pains me!" - Naomi said breaking away from Neo as the boy looks at her "Let me guess sister, it is about the Knights,right?" - Neo asked as Naomi nodded

"Correct! I know what you said is true, but why ! Why do you have them still. Specialy Omnimon! He brought nothing but bad luck to us all!" - Naomi said making Omnimon look away as Neo smirks and looks up

"That bad luck you are talking about? Don't worry about it! Omnimon and Yggdrasil told me what happened to our parents. I don't blame any of the Knights because just as you choose Fire Kings and Dark Witch and is following the path of Darkness, I have chossen Royal Knights! They are my path of Light! My momento of our father! Without them I would probably fall into Abyss of Darkness just like you, but when our parents dissapeared, when you dissapeared! Heck I even forgot where my big brother was! It is shame to say I forgot how he looked like! Omnimon and the others were there for me! They were my guardians, my protectors! Thanks to them I meet all of the friends I have now! Even the rivals! I meet them thanks to Omnimon and the Knights! And that is why I will never toss them aside. And also I know you hate him because he was the reason I broke my arm, I know. And same with Nokia! But you forgot one thing! The construction zone we were in almost costed us our lifes!" - Neo said rising his voice holding back tears as Naomi nods "Yes! I know and by miracle you both survived!" - Naomi said making Neo looks up at her "You are right! It was a miracle,but guess who's responsible for that miracle, who's the one that saved us?! Can you guess? No? It is non other then the Knight you hold biggest grudge! It was Omnimon who saved us! And Volcanic Doomfire too! " - Neo said holding his face and hiding tears as Naomi gasped "I see! But even so I still need to get rid off him! For the sake of Proximamon! *She smiled* And to do so! I need you at full power, I will watch you duel in the tournament. Don't you there lose! If you lose I will kill you!" - she smirks as her eyes glow emerald green

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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