Chapter 2

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Sabre Pov-

I woke up To a Burning Pain in my Left Arm and Leg. Moaning I tried To get Up but was Stopped by Hypno. His Eye was Filled With... Concern? He seemed to be talking but I couldn't hear him. I blinked Before reaching out my Right Arm and Pat his Head. His hair was Really soft...

He seemed Confused For a moment Before saying Something and Picking me Up. All I heard was a Bunch Of Garbled Noise. Maybe We shouldn't have Went through the Rift... I let out a Small Chirp before Cuddling Into Hypno's Chest. (NOT A SHIP!) He was Warm and I felt really Cold For some reason.

I closed My eyes and Listened To his Heart beat. It soothed my nerves as He walked. Suddenly I heard him start to hum. I opened My eyes And looked at him, Tilting my head to the Side While Trying to Recognize the Tune. He glanced at me Before Stopping and Putting me up Against a tree. His Eye Held Concern as He Checked my Leg and Arm as Well as Some Gashes all over my body.

"why did I agree to going through that Rift..?" He mumbled as I gained the rest of my hearing back. My head still hurt as Well as my arm and leg but at least I could hear my Friend!(Flock)

I chirped as He sighed and picked me back up and Started walking again. He was Walking south where it was Warmer! I Yawned as he glanced at he again before Looking forward again. I followed his Gaze to see Big Walls in front of us. Looking back at hypno he Looked like a normal Red steve.

"Sabre, I don't know if you can hear me right now But I'm Going to find someone To help you. Just Stay awake For a little longer buddy." He said as I Chirped In Response. He smiled Slightly as I looked at the Walls. They were Huge and Had Rainbow Flags all over them. Soon we got near a gate as I felt myself Starting to fall Asleep. Hypno Seemed to Notice and Started To panic.

"We're Almost there Sabre! Just Stay awake!. Ple- can't- you- Wak-!" his Voice got hazy as I closed my Eyes. A minute of Shut eye Wouldn't hurt Right?

Flock is Worried. Flock needs me...

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