Chapther one - The spilled drink

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My story begins in the vibrant city of Madrid, where my parents, Mario and Sofia, fell in love at a young age. They were just seventeen and eighteen when they welcomed me into the world, their love for each other overshadowed only by their love for their newborn daughter.

But tragedy struck our family when I was just a few weeks old. We were involved in a devastating car accident that claimed the life of my mother, leaving my father and me to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives.

Despite the pain of our loss, my dad did everything he could to provide for me and give me the love and support I needed to thrive. But as a young, single parent, the road ahead was anything but easy.

When I was five years old, my dad received a job offer in England—a chance for us to start fresh in a new country and leave behind the painful memories of our past. With nothing to tie us down in Spain, we packed our bags and set off for the bustling streets of London.

As we settled into our new life in England, my dad worked tirelessly to provide for us, taking on odd jobs and late-night shifts to make ends meet. But no matter how hard things got, he always made sure I had everything I needed and more.

As the years went by, I watched in awe as my dad transformed from a young, inexperienced father into a pillar of strength and resilience. He was my hero,my best friend, my rock—the one person I knew I could always count on, no matter what.

But amidst the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, there was always a lingering sense of loss—the absence of my mother, whose memory haunted our every step.

As I grew older, I found solace in the world of fashion and entertainment, immersing myself in the glitz and glamour of the industry. And as I pursued my dreams of becoming a model and actress, my dad stood by my side, cheering me on every step of the way.

But no matter how far I traveled or how high I soared, there was always a part of me that longed for the comfort and familiarity of my Spanish roots. And when my dad received a job offer back in Spain, it felt like fate—a chance for us to return to the place where it all began and rediscover our connection to each other and to our past.
The sun beat down mercilessly as I made my way through the crowded streets of London, the sound of the bustling metropolis filling the air around me. It was just another day in the life of Luciana Gonzalez, or Luci as my friends and fans liked to call me.

As a model and actress, my life was anything but ordinary. From photo shoots to red carpet events, my days were filled with glamour and excitement. But behind the scenes, things weren't always as perfect as they seemed.

As my career in England soared to new heights, so did the drama in my personal life. My toxic relationship with my ex, Alex, was like a never-ending rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. One moment, we were passionately declaring our undying love for each other, and the next, we were engaged in bitter arguments that left us both wounded and exhausted.

"Luci, why do you always have to make everything about you?" Alex's voice echoed in my ears as we stood on the balcony of my London apartment, the city lights glittering in the distance.

I clenched my fists, struggling to keep my temper in check. "Because you never listen to me, Alex! It's always your way or the highway."

He scoffed, his eyes flashing with anger. "Oh please, don't act like you're the victim here. You're the one who's always seeking attention."

I felt a surge of frustration bubbling up inside me. "I'm not seeking attention, Alex. I'm seeking respect. And clearly, I'm not going to find it here."

With that, I turned on my heel and stormed back into the apartment, leaving Alex standing alone on the balcony.

The next day:

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