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It was seven in the morning, and in Charlotte's opinion way too early to be up, especially in summer

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It was seven in the morning, and in Charlotte's opinion way too early to be up, especially in summer. She called these times "the unearthly hours of day". Well, that day, in the unearthly hours of the day, the doorbell of Weasley household was being rung very frantically by some one who seemed to be in quite a hurry.

Charlotte's mother, Cedrella Weasley, opened the door to find a very excited James Potter. 

"James dear, what are you doing here so early? Is everything alright?" 

"Oh yeah, everything is great, Mrs Weasley. I just wanted to talk to Char. Is she up yet? Oh who am I kidding, of course she isn't. Can I come in? Can I go wake her up?!"

"Of course dea-

"Thanks Mrs Weasley!" James said as he ran up to Charlotte's room.

After running up to the third floor he barged in her room to find her sound asleep.

"No surprise there" he muttered.

"Char, wake up!" he said sitting on her bed.


"Wake up!!!" He said a bit louder while shaking her.

"Go away!"


" What the hell is your problem, James?" she said annoyed.

"I need to show you something"

"What is it?" she said finally sitting up in bed.

James simply held up a red and gold badge that read "Captain".

" No way!" Charlotte said gasping.

"Yes way" said James grinning.

"Oh my god! I'm so proud of you!" she said hugging him. 

"Thanks Char"

"This is great news. I wont even have to try out!"

"You expect me to give you a spot on the team without trying out just because you're my best friend?"

"Well, duh. And because I'm the best player on the team"

"Excuse you. The best player is always the captain"

"Sure, in your dreams"

"Anyways, what do you want to do today?"

"I was planning to sleep in but seeing as you ruined it, why don't you tell me".

"Well, Sirius and Remus are coming over so I guess we can play quidditch or go somewhere".

"What about Peter?"

"Peter cant come. He's got some family function that he's going to".

"Oh, then I guess then we could also ask the girls if they want to come over too".

"Great! I'll go write to Lily!"

"OK but don't be too annoying alright?"

"When am I ever annoying?"

"Most of the time. Look I know you're madly in love with Lily but you have got to back down a bit you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like, don't ask her out every five minutes. Maybe try to be just friends with her first. OK?"

"Uh, yeah I guess so" he said getting off the bed and walking towards the door.

"Oh and James, tell her I'm going to be here. She'll probably say no if she thinks its just you. The idea of me being here will probably make her want to come" she said grinning.

"You are so annoying, you know that?"

Charlotte sarcastically smiled before blowing him a kiss. James rolled his eyes and walked out the door. 

As soon as he was gone, she jumped out of bed and went to over to her desk to write letters to Marlene, Alice and Mary. After she finished writing them, she went downstairs to the kitchen to find the family owl because her own owl, Cinnamon, was out delivering a letter to her big brother. In the kitchen her mother told her that the family owl too was out delivering letters she decided that she would directly go to their houses to ask them. 

She had a shower and headed straight to James's house. 

"Mum, I'll be at James's. We might go out as Sirius, Remus and girls are coming too."

"Alright have fun!"

"We will, bye!"


A/N : So yeah. That was the first chapter. It's probably not that great cause well I'm still getting used to writing. I'm quite new. So thank you so much if you read it! Please let me know if you like it in the comments or message me!

If you like it vote! Or don't . It is totally up to you. No pressure!

Also if you like please message me or smtg. I would love to make more friends.

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