Episode 3

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Jarrod McLean: Last time ⏲ on Adventure Camp 🏕 the Raging Raccoons won their second challenge in a Row sending Jake Home 🏡 upsetting his Boyfriend Tom. 10 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Lill: Nick, I'm suspicious of Fiore
Nick: So am I, unfortunately we have No Evidence against her....  Yet
Jarrod McLean: Challenge time ⏲!
Jarrod McLean: it's a Rowing Race 🏁!
Jarrod McLean: Blazing Beavers 🦫 win immunity sending the Raging Raccoons to the Elimination Ceremony
*Elimination Ceremony*
Nick, Fiore, Will, Ashley, you are safe. Which Leaves Lill and Eli. The final Marshmallow of the night 🌙 goes to Lill! Eli, you have been eliminated......... which is what I would be saying if you weren't switching Teams

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