Chapter 1

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  Hello Luvs! So I decided to edit this story and redo it because I was very young when I wrote this and it wasn't very descriptive, so I'm going to try to make it a lot better! Thank you and please recommend! -Kelsey


Hi. My name is Madison. Pronounced:[ MAD-E-SUN].  I have two amazing parents and an amazing friend, Conner, who has been my best friend since first grade, when I pushed him off the swing set then bought him his favorite candy to apologize. My life is pretty boring because I'm not someone you would consider "popular", which is difficult to be when your school contains over three-thousand students.

Anyways, I'm in high school. Once I finish this year, which is my senior year, I can finally be an adult and go to college. I plan on being a nurse. 


I flutter my eyes open and sit up in my bed, glancing at my alarm clock. It's 7:00 A.M. I have to be there by 8:00 A.M. , so I have exactly one hour to get ready and debate on what outfit I want to wear. I dug threw them and finally found a suitable outfit.

I'm not into crop tops, so I would rather half sleeves shirts or over-sized sweaters, even during summer. I put on my favorite red over-sized sweater and rolled the sleeves a bit, with some high-wasted shorts and my red converse. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my phone, a protein bar, and book sack, heading right out the door.

To me, there is nothing new to this school. I've been going here my whole life and we still have the same people; girls who think they're hot shit, jocks, gang members, and the nerds. I avoid almost every single one of those people, except Conner, because I'm not really that popular and could care less about them, so it doesn't matter.

Maybe I should tell you a little more about Conner: He's gay. Sometimes having a gay best-friend is better because he can totally tell me all of the recklessness boys do behind closed doors. Although, I hate when people mistake us as a couple ha ha.

I hate riding the bus , but Ali and I only have to ride when my parents have an early appointment at the clinic. Ali, whom is my 11 year old sister, is the youngest and brattiest 11 year old there is. By clinic, I mean that my dad owns a clinic where he is a pediatric doctor and my mom is a nurse and sometimes, they have emergency patients.


Finally, the bus arrives and it's exactly 7:30. Conner always rides the bus when I have to because his stepmom is usually sleeping and his dad is usually at work when we have school. I normally just have my parents pick him up when they bring us.

I whipped out my headphones and plugged it into my phone as Conner slid into the seat with me. We listened to music the whole way to school. After the bus dropped us off at the school, Conner and I walked straight to the office and got our schedules, then headed to our lockers. 

Conner is always waiting for a cute, gay, guy to come along,  because the ones here aren't his 'type' and are often bullies. While passing the East Hall [The school named the hallways the common coordinates], I noticed the curly light brown hair that I always dread to see, with his arrogant friends laughing away. Wow, he's actually early to school for once. Sometimes I wish he just wouldn't be at this school anymore. 

As soon as that thought entered my mind, I made eye contact with him and watched him nudge his best friend, Alex Constancio. Austin Mahone: He is the bad boy and applauding jerk of Green Oaks High.

I quickly turned my head and shoved Conner to keep pushing him forward. After figuring out whose locker was for who and went straight to first period.

We should've known Austin would start trouble first period. Conner and I always sit in the back during class, but Mr. Mahone just insisted that he needed our seats. First, he threw my books on the ground and tossed Conner's book sack across the room. Then, he pulled Conner out of his chair, with the help of Alex, and pushed him into another desk while I just followed and tried my best to help Conner. Jerks.

~End of the day~

I took a deep breathe and exhaled loudly as I made my way to my parents car. They smiled at me like they had just won the lottery, which made my day worth while. I slid in the car and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart, How was your day?" My mom's gentle, calm voice asked to both me and Ali. Ali immediately yelled out "GOOD!" and began rambling on about how great her friends are.

My mom simply giggled and turned to me. "Maddie?" I gave her a soft smile. "Mom, everything was good. It's the same old stuff." She nodded and turned back around.


After supper, my parents asked me to make a grocery store run for them to get some cookies or something like that. Once I got to the super market, I took the key out the ignition and heard some loud laughter from the side of the building. Now I have watched horror movies, so I know exactly how this thing goes: I peek to see what's going on and then I trip and fall and they hear me, then I get stabbed and die and my name is all over CNN. 

The only downfall about myself is that I'm curios. I like to know what's happening and be able to figure out things on my own.  So, I walked right up to the corner of the building and placed my keys in my pocket so whoever it was couldn't hear the jingle. 

I slowly placed my hand on the wall and leaned my head around the corner and there he was. Austin. His back was turned to me but I know that curly hair from anywhere. It smelt almost like a skunk or of a strong chemical so I knew he was smoking weed. The location was smart because it was dark on this side of the market, but for him and his friends, illiterate. 

I watched as they all passed the joint around and laughed about dumb things that normal stoned people would find funny. As soon as I turned around, I felt my keys fall from my pocket and hit the ground. I inhaled a sharp breathe and closed my eyes, while clenching my fists, because I knew. I knew they heard it. 

"Hello?" I heard one of them ask and heard the footsteps approaching. I instantly grabbed my keys and took off running into the store. I made it to the baked goods and let out a breathe, grabbing the cookies and trying to get out as soon as possible. To be honest, they probably would have shot me or stabbed me or something just for watching them get stoned. It's not like I was talking or anything.  

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