Chapter Twelve

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"You're right, you do look good in a tux." She smirked, walking out of the bathroom to see Lando already dressed. She felt sick to her stomach but she was trying to make light out of the situation in the hope Lando may not notice quite how close to freaking out she was.

"You know it." He winked. "And as much as I do enjoy you wearing my clothes, I'm not sure this is movie premiere appropriate." He gestured to his T-shirt she was wearing.

"I know, I know." She groaned. "I'm getting there. Are you sure we have to go?"

"It's your own premiere, I'm pretty sure people would notice if you didn't show up. Come on." He turned her around to face the wardrobe where her dress was hanging on the door.

"I actually feel sick." She groaned. "This was such a stupid idea."

"Come on, I'm excited to see the movie. We can have some drinks with the guys after and if you're still not feeling it we'll come back and have an early night." He kissed her forehead gently, trying not to mess up her carefully applied makeup.

"Can you help me with the dress?" She asked quietly. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she hadn't been joking about feeling sick. "And you've already seen me perform the show god knows how many times. It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"I haven't seen it in movie form." He teased.

The anxiety had slowly set in over the course of the day. She'd dragged Lando out on a run with her that morning, hoping to clear her head. It hadn't really worked, she'd picked at her breakfast when they'd met the other drivers and their girlfriends who had decided to attend, they'd all headed out sightseeing but her heart hadn't been in it. Lando had eventually made an excuse about the two of them needing to get back so she could get ready and she was so grateful.

She carefully pulled his shirt over her head, with some assistance from him, careful not to mess up her hair or makeup. Then she stepped into the pale blue, strapless, floor length gown someone had picked out for her to wear, pulling it up and waiting as Lando carefully zipped it up. He held his hand out silently and she took it, stepping into her heels and turned to face him.

"Ready?" He asked quietly. He could see the anxiety all over her face and they hadn't even left the hotel room. He wasn't entirely sure she was going to make it through the night but he wasn't about to tell her that.

She was quiet for a long moment. "I'm going to be sick."

He thought she was joking for a second, but she turned and fled in the direction of the bathroom, just making it to the toilet in time. He trailed after her, holding her hair back. "Okay?" He asked quietly. "Let me get you some water."

He returned a few seconds later with a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She took it gratefully, rinsing her mouth out before turning back to the mirror to check her makeup. "Sorry." She mumbled, suddenly embarrassed by what he'd just witnessed.

His hand rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Are you going to be okay?"

She took a couple of deep breaths, counting back from ten in her head. It was a trick she'd developed from getting herself in the zone to go on stage. She did it every time she got in the lift at the start of the show to go up to the stage. She sucked in another big breath and did the same thing again, this time plastering a smile on her face. "I'll be fine, let's go."

The key, she'd decided, was to think about the whole thing as one big performance. She wasn't going to allow herself to think about the fact it was Joe she was going to see. If she pretended he was just another face in the crowd, not the man she'd spent six years of her life with and almost married, then just maybe she could get through this.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now