Chapter Thirty Six

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Uncharacteristically, Hannah had fallen asleep almost as soon as they got in the car to head to the airport. It had taken a while to get out of the stadium as she said goodbye to what felt like ever single crew member, dancer and band member, thanking them all for their hard work and support on the tour. He waited patiently, keeping her hand in his and they had eventually made it to the car.

Thankfully, they'd avoided her parents, and he still didn't know if she even knew that they were at the show. By the time he'd navigated his way through the traffic and gone to ask her she was fast asleep. He hadn't wanted to wake her, knowing full well how badly she'd been sleeping, and he'd have plenty of opportunity over the next few weeks anyway. He was beyond excited to have a couple of weeks where neither of them had any responsibilities or commitments looming over them.

So he'd driven them to the airport in relative silence, just him humming along to her music that was stuck in his head from the show.

The perks to flying private were that he got to drive across the tarmac directly to the plane, so he woke her right at the last minute.

"Hannah, come on, it's time to go." He shook her gently and she blinked sleepily at him, looking confused.

"Did I fall asleep? Sorry." She mumbled.

"You looked like you needed it." He said, offering her a hand to help her out of the car. He smiled a thanks to the staff grabbing their suitcases out of the car as he walked up the steps onto the plane with Hannah.

She picked a seat and he sat down beside her, she immediately curled into him and rested her head on his shoulder. He wondered for a second if she was going to be asleep again before they'd even taken off.

"I can't believe I've finally finished the tour." She whispered. "What do I do now?" It had completely taken over every single aspect of her life. Not just for the eighteen months she'd actually been on tour, but there had been over a years worth of planning and rehearsals that had gone into getting ready for the tour to start. It was daunting, knowing she now had no schedule, nowhere she needed to be and nothing she had to do.

"Get some rest?" He offered. "I'm proud of you."

"I wasn't going to let her beat me tonight." Hannah said quietly, her voice trembling slightly. "I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm not going to prove her right that's for sure."

"Christmas first. Then we'll worry about her." Lando suggested. "My mum is so excited you're coming."

"I'm really looking forward to it." She mumbled, already falling asleep again.


She had slept almost the entire way back to London. Lando entertained himself playing on his phone, trying to sit as still as he could so he didn't disturb her. It was the most sleep he'd seen her get in months and she really looked like she needed it. It was likely to be chaotic once they got to his parents house, Christmas was always a big event but he knew his mum would've gone overboard knowing Hannah was coming.

As a result she was wide awake then the plane touched down in London. Lando had slept for a little while but was feeling considerably worse for wear than she was.

"Do you want me to drive?" She asked as they stepped down off the plane. "You look tired."

He hesitated for a moment, looking at the black suv that was parked up for the two of them to take to his parents house, then looking back at her. "Am I going to regret this?"

She let out a little squeal, clapping her hands together in excitement as she dashed around to the drivers side before he could change his mind. He just laughed, loading the suitcases into the back and getting in beside her. He was dead on his feet and it wasn't that far to drive to his parents but she probably was going to be the better driver out of the two of them if he couldn't keep his eyes open.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now