4. Florida

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"I need to forget, so take me to Florida
I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida
Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable
What a crash, what a rush, fuck me up, Florida"

The few weeks after that passed by in a blur. By the time Lando woke up the next morning after celebrating his P2 in Australia, Hannah was already on a flight back to New York. They'd barely spoken to each other since the kiss that night, the time zones making it next to impossible, and she hadn't brought it up when they had texted briefly. He was more than a little worried that she'd been so drunk that she hadn't remembered it, despite it being permanently etched in his mind. Although there had been more than enough pictures taken inside the club to prove he hadn't imagined it.

He was surprised when he landed in Miami, having come almost straight from China, to see a message from her.

Hey, not sure when you're getting to Miami, but I'm here if you want to get dinner or something. I thought I might come and cheer my boyfriend on at the race too 😉

He must've re-read the message about five times trying to decode if there was some kind of hidden meaning behind it. Did she remember the night in the club like he did? Or was she just joking around about their agreement?

He quickly shot her a message back asking for the address, saying he'd stop by on his way to his hotel. She'd replied immediately and he'd hopped into the McLaren he was driving for the week and set off in her direction, unable to deny even to himself how excited he was to see her. He was starting to wonder if this had been Charlotte's plan all along.

The house was beautiful, set right on the beachfront, with huge glass windows allowing a view out over the ocean. She'd obviously told someone to expect him as the gates opened as he pulled up to them, parking the car as she opened the front door.

It was blisteringly hot in Miami, and he was regretting the choice of jeans and hoodie he'd flown out in having not checked the weather. Hannah on the other hand had clearly been here a while, her skin glowing with a golden tan, blonde hair falling in windswept curls around her face and a short white cotton sundress exposing those mile-long legs he'd been dreaming of for weeks.

He was definitely in trouble.

"It's so good to see you." She grinned, sweeping him up in a hug. "Well done in China, I was watching on TV, cheering for you." She led him into the house, closing the door behind them.

He looked around, taking in the view. It was a sleek, modern interior. The whole back wall of the living space was bifold doors that were opened up onto the beach below. The back wall was covered in framed copies of her various albums from over the years. Awards displayed proudly below them on a shelf. A grand piano sat centre stage in the middle of the room, the bottle of water and mess of paper sat on top of it suggesting he'd interrupted her. It reminded him of the scene in her hotel room in Australia.

"Have you been here long?" He asked, suddenly feeling awkward and not knowing what to say.

"I've been here a couple of weeks. We had to fly back from Australia to New York for a meeting with the label and then I came down here. Florida is my favourite place, no one bothers me here." She smiled fondly. "Excited for the race?"

He nodded. "I got Charlotte to sort you a pass out. You can watch from inside the garage again."

She grinned. "Can't wait."

"Did I interrupt you?" He asked nervously, gesturing to the piano.

She waved a hand dismissively. "No, I'd sort of given up." She laughed. "None of it sounds right anyway. I thought I'd make us some lunch here unless you want to go out?"

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora