9. Fearless

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"'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first

Hannah had already been awake a while when Lando finally woke up the next morning. She was wandering around his kitchen, barefoot in nothing but the T-shirt he'd given her the night before, singing something he didn't recognise quietly to herself. He stood in the doorway and watched her with a smile.

"What are you staring at?" She laughed, finally spotting him standing there.

"You." He smiled. "You look happy."

"That's the best night's sleep I've had in weeks. I feel so refreshed." She grinned. "And hungry... you have no food in your house."

"Yeah, I'll go to the shop quickly." He agreed, his stomach also growling.

"Can I come?" She asked, chewing on her lip nervously. "I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping."

He laughed quietly, it was an odd request but easy enough to fulfil. "We might need to find you some shorts or something to wear though." He pointed to her current outfit. "As much as I am enjoying this."

"I can put my sweatpants back on and steal one of your tops." She shrugged. "Cassie said she'd send my stuff over. She's pretty organised, I'd say it'll be here by lunchtime."

"Let's go then." He nodded, turning and heading back to the bedroom to get dressed.

"It won't be too busy out there, right?" She asked nervously as they stood in the doorway waiting to leave. Her earlier bravery at the thought of going out began to fade rapidly.

"It's not normally too bad. People might take pictures and stuff but they don't normally swarm me. Here." He passed her a hat that she pulled down onto her head. "I can go on my own if not, it'll only be ten minutes."

She took a deep breath. "No, I'm going to do it." She said firmly.

"Okay, let's go." He held his hand out to her.

The further they walked without anyone batting an eyelid the more she relaxed. She kept a tight grip on his hand, hat and sunglasses still firmly on her face, but she relaxed enough to look around at the scenery. Monaco was beautiful.

They hadn't spent too long in the grocery store, just grabbing some milk and enough stuff to make them breakfast and lunch. It felt so wonderfully normal to her though, something she hadn't been able to do for years, and she couldn't help but smile the whole time.

Lando kept looking at her like she'd gone nuts, and maybe she had, but he was just thrilled by how relaxed she looked. The smile was genuine and reflected in her eyes which was a rarity for her.

They strolled back down the street to his flat hand in hand with a bag of groceries each, Hannah feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted. She'd spotted a few people with their phones out taking photos, but no one had bothered them or approached them, and Cassie had told her she'd got to get out in public anyway so if the photos ended up online it would be doing her a favour.

Lando set to work making them breakfast once they got back, setting a mug of coffee down in front of her that she took gratefully. She pulled her phone out and started flipping through the barrage of emails from Cassie with tasks for her to complete for the week.

"Lando?" She asked quietly, pulling up the first email.

"Yeah?" He didn't turn around from where he was cooking the eggs at the stove.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now