Chapter 1

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"Have you seen the new girl? She is such a beauty! I got interrupted from the continuous motion of poking at my food and my face got dragged up. My eyes focusing on a group of girls whispering, gossiping about in their circle . Why do I even care? I lowered my head back down and started poking at the 'beef stew' that was on my plate , just looking at it is making my stomach twist and turn. The supposed 'stew' is totally unrecognisable and looks like something that you would feed to pigs on a farm. The texture was slimy and sticky and the food always tasted burnt and bland. I stabbed my plastic fork into the beef but the fork snapped in half, like that wasn't a good enough warning that this 'stew' isn't edible I grabbed a spoon and scooped it into there, placing the beef into my mouth. The beef was like rubber and I was sure that if I continued chewing that I would break all my teeth, so I spat it out and continued poking at my food again.

Nothing has changed other the years that I have been here, the same slimy beef stew, the same undercooked cupcakes with gooey cupcake mix inside and the same raw, unseasoned chicken from which I have already thrown up 5 times only in this year, but yet again my train of thought was interrupted. "She is totally my type! I wonder how good she is in bed." My lips curled into a snarling frown and my eyes squinted so much that half of my vision was gone. How do people even dare to say anything that disgusting in public so loud and proud? Just embarrassing. I stood up with my plate and came up to the first person I saw, a happy girl chatting away with her best friends. I looked down at her and I saw how that smile has faded and was replaced by a frown, as she slowly lowered down her head to avoid my gaze. "Wash my plate." I said with a monotonous tone as I dropped my plate in front of her, the unfinished food splattered all over her blonde strands of hair and her newly washed jail uniform. I put my hands in my pockets and walked out of the canteen with my head high up, looking into everyone's eyes, seeing their panicked faces when meeting mine and how their pace quickens, this was just the norm that everyone followed.

I wrapped my slender fingers around the door handle to feel a cold warmth radiating from it. Was someone in here? Slamming the door open, and scanning the whole room with my eyes I was confused that everything actually remained in their original placements. From the old amazon cardboard box that was next to my bunk bed and the 2 day old caprisun that was scrunched up on it, to the iPhone 5 in my bag that I have sneaky nicked from one of the staff to just 'borrow'. Even that photograph that I have stuck to the wall with tape which was completely dysfunctional due to all the of dirt and dust stuck to the sticky part managed to stay there.

I traced my slender fingers around the corners of the picture and felt the corner of my lips curl up. I would do anything to bring that time back. Look at us so young and dumb and happy. Will I ever get to experience this type of happiness again? But then my curled lips suddenly took form of a very big frown, my brows furrowed and I felt water pool in my eyes. My thoughts were hit by a dark ray and it made me nauseous. Just leave it behind. There is no 'us' left and there will never be any of 'us' anymore.

I took a deep sigh, wiped my tears and climbed up onto my top bunk, like nothing has ever happened since I don't have any weaknesses and I never will in the future. Resting against the wall I finally thought that I was left in peace, staring at the decorated wall that I have doodled all over with a sharpie that I have taken away from this random girl. As expected I was scolded and forced to clean up in the cafeteria for a week but I think it was worth it, as I still continue to add onto that wall from day to day. I was disturbed by a few light footsteps and I could see how the light going through my eyelids went dim.

I opened my eyes to see that it was a girl with brown curly hair which went up to her waist, the setting sun peeking through the small window created an illusion of her hazel eyes being a bright colour of gold imitating honey. I thought that the rumours were bullshit but she really is gorgeous. She looks like a goddess and I have never saw anyone as beautiful as her, I was so amazed that even my mouth opened a bit when I saw her. Just like everyone else, when making eye contact with me she quickly looked away and scurried to the bottom bunk to place all of her stuff. "Not even a hi?" I said with a hurt tone while looking down at her. "I'm sorry!" she apologised, looking into those wide panicking eyes and seeing her pupils slightly shake, I knew that she would be useful for me.

Types like her are the obedient ones, just start staring at them and they do whatever you want. I just stayed silent and looked up at the white ceiling that I see everyday, at this point I can find every crack and dent even with my eyes blindfolded. "I'm going to go sleep now. Don't dare wake me up." I said, again staring right into her eyes. "Okay." she whispered, it was so silent that I even heard her gulp. I turned over on my bed and heard how the springs inside the mattress were squeaking from every move that I took, and felt uncomfortable when the springs were poking right at me. When are they going to replace the mattress? With this thought I have fallen into a dream, a dream that is better labeled as a nightmare.

Promise? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें