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Calliope Evans was a bitch.

People simply didn't like the girl, she was known by many who roamed the halls of Mystic High, as the one person you would never want to cross.

Don't get it twisted, she wasn't violent or aggressive but she was cunning, manipulative and sadistic. If somebody so much as looked at her for a second too long or brushed past her in the hall with a little too much force, their day would sure as hell be ruined.

Her ninth grade teacher marked her down for not writing her name big enough for him to read; the next week he was dismissed by the school board for inappropriate communications with a minor.

Tyler Lockwood gave her a dirty look in English class and the principal received an anonymous tip that he had been distributing marijuana. You can guess what they found in his locker.

She caught wind of Caroline Forbes badmouthing her and their whole grade found out exactly why she wore those convenient scarves.

Calliope Evan's was a force to be reckoned with and nobody was safe from her prying eyes.

Calliope didn't see the point of friends, she didn't understand the appeal of faking relationships with people who she'd more than likely never speak to after graduation. So she kept acquaintances, people she could force a smile and wave to in the halls — it was those people that fed her information in hopes that they would fly under her radar. Talking about her personal life was never something Calliope divulged in, which is why nobody really knew much about her or her family or upbringing. And it's also what intrigued people the most; the icy gaze of one resident of mystic falls in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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