A Sad Gamer's Time

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In Adventure Bay...

At the Lookout...

4 pups (Marshall, Chase, Zuma and Rocky) were playing outside.

Marshall: I gotta say, pups. I never expected a Kid from another world who plays games to come to our world and live with us.

Rocky: Me neither. But we've got along with him real quick.

Zuma: Yeah, he has to be the right dude to come to our world for a forever stay.

Marshall: I think you're right, Zuma.


But then, they saw Kyle walking back to the Lookout.

Chase: Oh, there he is now.

Zuma: He doesn't look happy for some reason...

Kyle FKZF: I can't believe I've waited that long just to hear 'no'!

Kyle entered his house and shuts his door aggressively.



Rocky: Is he mad?

Marshall: Hang on, I'll see if I can try and cool him down a little.

Chase: Be careful, buddy.

Marshall: I will.

Marshall walks over to Kyle's house and entered it through the dog door. And sees Kyle laying down on his bed facing at the wall.

Marshall: Hey, Kyle?

Kyle FKZF: What do you want, Marshall?

Marshall: Are you alright? You seem upset.

Kyle FKZF: No, I'm not alright as a matter of fact. I was just over at the park, playing with my modified RC Skyline, and I walk over to Tuck and Ella and asked them If I could be their best friends, and do you know what they said?

Marshall: What did they say?

Kyle FKZF: They said no, and that really hit me on the heart.

Marshall: Why would you want Tuck and Ella to be your best friends?

Kyle FKZF: Because... I love them.

Marshall: Huh?

Kyle FKZF: I love her as a best friend, she and Tuck are both cute pups, and I like it when Ella grows giant. I think Ella is way cuter when she's giant. And I think Tuck is cuter when he's tiny.

Marshall: Ohhhh, I see.

Kyle FKZF: (Sad Sniff) I can't believe they said no.

Marshall: Did you use nice manners like 'please'?

Kyle FKZF: Yes.

Marshall: And they still said no?

Kyle FKZF: Yes.

Marshall: Ohh, I'm so sorry, Ky.

Kyle FKZF: Yeah? I've waited so long for Tuck and Ella to become my best friends, it was on my list of things to do once I arrived in Adventure Bay, but I failed to complete it.

Kyle started crying, Marshall felt bad.

Marshall: Aww, Kyle, don't cry.

Marshall hopped up onto Kyle's bed and gave him some puppy love by licking him to make him feel better. Kyle started to feel a little better and he hugs the dalmatian.

Marshall: Trust me, Ky. I'm sure Tuck and Ella will change their minds.

Kyle FKZF: I'm not sure they'll ever change their minds.

Marshall: Oh I'm sure.

Kyle FKZF: How are you sure?

Marshall: Because I'll tell the others about it and maybe we'll see if we can somehow talk to Tuck and Ella about it.

Kyle FKZF: Please do, Marshall. I'm totally heart-broken right now.

Marshall: Hey, everything's going to be okay, just take a nap, or maybe play some games or perhaps play with your cool toy cars to help calm yourself down. And me and the other pups will see what we can do.

Kyle FKZF: Okay.

Marshall: Just try not to think about it, don't let it ruin your whole day.

Kyle FKZF: Alright.

Marshall: Okay, well I'm gonna go play with the others. Have fun.

Kyle FKZF: Okay.

And so, Kyle did he thing and Marshall left his house. Kyle hopes that one day Tuck and Ella will change their minds and the 3 will become best friends.

(Do you guys think the same results in this story will happen once I'm there???)

What'd you all think??? And what's your favorite part????

The End.

All Paws On Deck: A Sad Gamer's TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora