Seeking Solace for Strife

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● 4/29/2024

☆ Shrimp Scampi day 🍤 🦐
☆ Zipper day
☆ Peace Rose day  ☮️ 🌹
☆ Poem in Your Pocket day
☆ Wish day

Historia: *walking with a light limp in the corridors beside a Guest* I am so sorry about my demeanor yesterday, Cloud. I had nearly forgotten about the elves' animosity towards humans, and in my haste dragged you along. I haven't even made a proper introduction. I am Historia, the record keeper of this Terrain. The blue and purple one was Debbeye, and her partner, the one who called me a bookworm, is Mudslinger, Mud for short. They handle the chaos. Ah, here we are. *places a hand on the doorknob* Before I introduce you to the children, please don't wave your bustersword at them.

Cloud: Okay.

Historia: Good. *knocks twice* Brought the Strife. *two knocks response from the other end* All clear. *turns the knob, opens the door, leads Cloud to a room of younger Residents*

Palp: *skitters forward, places an orange-pink rose at Cloud's feet, then retreats back in front of Stam*


● 4/30/2024

☆ Bubble Tea day
☆ Prepareathon day
☆ Military Brats day
☆ Adopt a Shelter Pet day
☆ Sarcoidosis day
☆ Raisin day
☆ Healthy Kids day
☆ Bugs Bunny day
☆ Mahjong day

Memoria: *standing on the shoulder of a male human with long, gray hair, bound in pink webbing and mud* Nyeah, what's up, doc? My girls caught this guy stalking your Strife Cloud. Mud blindsided him while Debbeye and I restrained. The continuous spitting took a toll. *coughs*

Historia: *snarls* Sephiroth.

[The Elder Memories, the Storymakers, Isabelle, Coriander, and Melyssa all throw raisins at Sephiroth. Memoria catches one, and gnaws on it.]


● 5/1/2024

☆ May day
☆ Interpreter Appreciation day
☆ Skilled Trades day
☆ School Principals' day
☆ Law day
☆ Silver Star Service Banner day
☆ Chocolate Parfait day
☆ Mother Goose day
☆ Loyalty day
☆ Purebred Dog day
☆ Save the Rhino day

Belladonna: We can appreciate the interpretations of Katsuhiro Harada, on the same note, we are leaving the Iron Fist Participants alone for now.

Isabelle: As you can see, our loyalties falter with each passing Guest fandom. And speaking of Mother Goose tales, where's Ruby? She's based of Red Riding Hood.

Dialogue: Probably offing some Grimm with her silvery eyes. Mayday, mayday. *blows a raspberry, briefly glances at Cloud, and slowly backs away*

Narra: It seems the Floradrakes have been drawn to the Aerith character. Do you still have the yellow dahlia flower?

Cloud: (lies) Yeah.


● 5/2/2024

☆ Life Insurance day
☆ Truffle day
☆ Day of Prayer
☆ Brothers and Sisters day
☆ Play Your Ukulele day
☆ Teacher day

Historia: *mutters* Sure we brought the mushroom fairy Truffles last year? Or was it for Marzipan day? *feels a tap on her leg* Yes, Genesis?

Gen: No Genesis, just Gen. I'm a girl.

Historia: Okay, young Miss Gen. What's your enquiry?

Gen: Why does Mr. Cloud have a big paddle?

Historia: That's his broadsword, he's a fighter.


● 5/3/2024

☆ Montana day
☆ School Lunch Hero day
☆ Textiles day
☆ SAN Architect day
☆ Raspberry Popover day
☆ Chocolate Custard day 🍫 🍮
☆ Paranormal day
☆ Two Different Colored Shoes day
☆ Special-abled Pets day
☆ Garden Meditation day
☆ Lumpy Rug day
☆ Space day

Historia: *stirring a spoon of chocolate custard* We are so glad you enjoyed your stay—

Belladonna: Chisa Yukisome, off the chandelier.

Isabelle: That's not funny.

Historia: (hesitant) Right. The whole "Genesis" confusion got Gen in a haze. Give her time, she'll come around.

Cloud: Thanks. You sure catch on quick.

Melyssa: We had to, Mr. Cloud. It how we best accommodate. *backs away from Cloud, inadvertently brushes her fingertips on someone's arm, and in a flash the memories show a feminine figure; long, black hair, red-brown eyes, a low cut, white shirt, suspenders, stockings, black short skirt, and red boots* Tifa Lockhart.


Melyssa: *jerks back* Nothing. That memory was surprisingly pleasant.

Isabelle: *whispers to Tifa* Last time she touched a male lead, their memories emotionally broke her. Funny how Strife Cloud weighs less than an actual cloud. *Tifa giggles*

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