Chapter 2: Is it worth it?

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Since Karasuno didn't offer soccer, he took another look at the list of sports. You've got me fucked up if you think I'm joining an academic club


Who the fuck wants to play 

Not a girl so I can't play softball..




Why the fuck is American football an option in Japan?

The options were kind of shit without soccer. Yeah it was a spanish kid stereotype, the only sport he was well versed in was soccer. Tennis was kinda lame. Baseball is still a spanish stereotype. Basketball is okay, he was bad at dribbling a ball and moving it around. With his feet he could, but his hands weren't too good at moving fast. 

Maybe that's why I don't have a girl... I need to get better with my hands. 

Maybe volleyball, You're not really allowed to hold the ball for long so maybe I could try at that.

It was around 6, school started at 7:45 and he was laying in bed. His older cousin was sleeping soundly until roughly nine when he had to leave for his new job.

He sluggishly got out of bed in his boxers and white beater to brush his teeth. The only reason he woke up so early was to make a breakfast burrito. Probably the easiest and best tasting thing he could make. With eggs, chicken, peppers, and spices Tony pan fried two burritos for him and his cousin. 

One went into a container with Santiago's name on it, the other on he ate at the wooden round table in the kicthen. 

He searched some videos of volleyball in Japan, olympic and local. Honestly he found it pretty interesting and saw himself being able to play. 

After eating up his breakfast burrito, he put on his all black Karasuno uniform. 

The walk to school wasn't too bad, only ten minutes. He passed by the gyms in the morning, the volleyball gym especially. The players were pretty good from what he could tell, it didn't seem to strict either. There's nothing he hates more than someone who takes their job too seriously. 

The gray haired third year saw him look from a distance along with the long brown haired guy.

He didn't realize this at first as he watched a short orange haired boy play. But the two third years saw him intently watch the practice going on and recognized him as the new student in their second period class. Tony felt eyes on him and realized the two third years were looking at him, he looked back briefly and walked to his first period. 

First period was an science class.

He indeed knew had some good understanding of science due to some odd jobs he took..

He simply didn't put this on his application so the school wouldn't put him in advanced classes.

Second period came around and they gave the students a project to work on. Since Tony was new and didn't have a seat partner the teacher was instructed to work with the people around him.

Which happened to be the two third years.

God I hate group work.

He didn't turn around because he didn't want to. His accent made this 10x worse than it had to be. 

The silver haired guy tapped on his shoulder, "Hey, Tony right?" slowly turning to face both of the third years, he nodded. 

"I'm Sugawara, just call me Suga, this here is Asahi! Nice to meet you!" he hated to be cold to him, the guys smile was too sweet. 

"Yeah likewise" 

"Hey we saw you watching practice this morning, you play?"

Tony fully swiveled around in his seat, "No, I was looking to join a sport. Volleyball seems to be the only one that I would like."

Suga's face lit up, "That's great! We could always use more players. Come by after school for practice if you would like." 

The two third years seemed to understand him through his heavy accent. Maybe he would see practice.

702 Words

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