Chapter 7

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I sat down with my elder son, Jeongsuk, in my study, preparing to discuss an important matter. As the conversation unfolded, I broached the topic of his upcoming wedding with the daughter of the Chen group, a business deal that I saw as beneficial for both parties.

Jeongsuk's initial reaction was less than enthusiastic, to say the least. He slouched in his chair, scrolling through his phone as if the conversation was of little importance to him.

"Jeongsuk, this is a crucial step for our family and our business relations," I reminded him, trying to appeal to his sense of responsibility.

He glanced up briefly, his expression indifferent. "Dad, can't you handle this without dragging me into it?" he replied, clearly uninterested in the idea of marriage.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Despite my efforts to raise him well, it seemed like Jeongsuk was still reluctant to embrace his role in the family's affairs. I couldn't help but compare him to my younger son, who was more diligent and responsible, making me question my parenting choices.

"I've always given you freedom and independence, hoping that you would step up when needed," I admitted, feeling a bit defeated.

Jeongsuk let out a sigh, finally setting his phone aside and giving me his full attention. "Dad, I know this is important to you, and I'll do what needs to be done. But can we at least make it a fun and memorable wedding?" he suggested, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden change in attitude. "Of course, we'll make it a celebration to remember," I agreed, relieved to see Jeongsuk willing to cooperate.

I stood before Jeongsuk, my heart racing with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I knew what I was doing was wrong, manipulating Yn's future for the sake of Jeongsuk's ambitions and his less-than-ideal behaviour. But on the other hand, the allure of securing Jeongsuk's future and protecting our family's interests clouded my judgement.

With a deep breath, I slid the only picture I had of Yn Chen across the table. Jeongsuk's eyes locked onto the image, and for a moment, a sinister smile threatened to surface. He clenched his jaw, a subtle sign of his hidden excitement that he tried to suppress.

"This is Yn Chen, the daughter of the Chen group," I stated, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me.

Jeongsuk remained silent, his gaze fixed on the photo. I could sense the wheels turning in his mind, calculating the possibilities and potential advantages of this alliance.

"She's quite a catch, isn't she?" I added, trying to gauge his reaction.

Jeongsuk finally looked up, a glint of ambition in his eyes. "She could be useful," he replied cryptically, his smile now more controlled but no less menacing.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at using Yn as a pawn in our game of power and influence. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the satisfaction of seeing Jeongsuk take an interest in securing his future, even if it meant compromising someone else's.

As we continued our conversation, discussing plans and strategies, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

Jeongsuk sat across from us at the dining table, a smile of excitement and anticipation on his face as he shared the news of his upcoming wedding to Yn Chen, the daughter of the Chen group. My wife's eyes lit up with pride and happiness, her love for our eldest son shining through despite her private doubts about Yn's worthiness.

"That's wonderful news, Jeongsuk! I'm so happy for you," my wife exclaimed, leaning over to side-hug him affectionately.

I couldn't help but share in her joy, even though I harbored reservations about Yn's suitability for Jeongsuk. Seeing my son's happiness was enough to outweigh any concerns I had.

"And how is Jungkook?" I asked, turning the conversation to our younger son, who was diligently working to expand our business by dealing with foreign investors.

"He's going to be late tonight," my wife replied with a proud smile. "He's in talks with some investors from abroad, trying to secure new opportunities for us."

My heart swelled with pride at the mention of Jungkook's hard work and dedication. Despite his youthful exuberance, he was proving to be a valuable asset in preserving and expanding our family's reputation and business ventures.

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