Chapter 34 : Forced and Conflicts

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Author's P.O.V.

She just can't sit her whole life just like that.

She have to walk and take her responsibilities.

In a month, she has a dance competition.

And then district level Basketball match.

Olivia is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. The light from the window is dimmed by curtains, casting the room in a gloomy twilight.

The words hit Olivia like a punch to the chest. It's like every bit of air is sucked from the room. She feels the sting in her eyes as the tears well up, hot and bitter.

Her mom's words echo in her mind, each syllable cutting deeper than the last. The idea that she's doing nothing, that she's not trying hard enough, that she's a burden-it all crashes down on her at once.

"M-Mom is r-right- I c-can't-" She hiccups, "-I-I c-can't- just sit l-like t-this-"

"B-But what s-should I d-do?"

She can't just sit in her bedroom doing nothing but crying.

She has her future ahead of her.

Her mom is right.

She can't just sit here, locked in her room, crying all day.

She has to find a way to move forward, to accept this new reality, but it's so much harder than anyone can imagine. The pain, the fear, the anger-it all swirls inside her like a storm.

The tears start to flow, slowly at first, then faster, until they're streaming down her cheeks. She buries her face in her pillow, sobbing quietly. It's not just the words that hurt-it's the truth behind them. She's been avoiding everyone, pushing them away because she's scared.

Scared of what the future holds.

Scared of being a disappointment.

Scared of being pitied.

Olivia knows she can't stay in this room forever. She has to try, has to find the strength to take those first steps, even if it's just in a wheelchair. But it's so overwhelming, and she's not sure if she has the courage to face it. The idea of a "future" seems like an impossible dream, something meant for someone else, someone who isn't broken.

The sobs wrack her body, her shoulders shaking as she clutches the pillow tighter. She wishes she could disappear, hide away from everything and everyone, but she knows that's not an option. Her mom's voice plays over and over in her mind, a painful reminder that life goes on, even when she's not ready for it.

"Olivia, why are you crying ?"

Olivia stiffens and immediately wipes her eyes.


Amelia sits beside her and sigh.

"Olivia, I know this is hard. Hard for you. I understand. It's hard for us too." She pats her head.

Olivia nods her head.

"But you have to try. You can't just sit, hmm ?"

Olivia looks at her Mom.

She is right. She should try.


Amelia smiles.

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