| 3 | Second Selection

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The silence in the ball room grew thicker. All of the betas now wished to be asigned to the other tasks, since serving the emperor wasn't only terrifying, but also asking to get thrown into the dungeon by midnight.

The tall strong emperor stood up from his thrown, leaving everyone to swallow a breath. He stepped confident between the lines and looked down on his underlings. As if he was trying to confirm their position under him.

His tall stature walked past the first few lines and then halted at his first person. It was a tall beautiful young lady. He asked her a deafening montone question "What side of the village?" He doesn't even take the time to ask a full question.

The woman answers him with a fearing voice "South, my lord" and Katsuki scoffed, as if he was diapproving. He walked further onto his next target and stopped in front of a next person after he skipped over 10 of them.

"you" he said with an angry voice at the woman in front of him "what side of the village?" The woman fidgeted with her fingers unable to look the tall intimidating man in front of her in the eyes.

"um by th-the water, your majesty" That answer got the emperors eyes twitching in anger. He immediately skipped over her and kept walking, as he brought out his annoyance.

"This dumb one doesn't even know how to give directions"

Katsuki kept doing this with many of the lines, as if he was going to go over all hundreds of the people. Nobody ever got more than three questions and the emperor soon seem to lose interest in every single one of them.

More and more relieved faces filled the ball room everytime he stepped by one of the betas. It was clear he was selecting his personal maid, so you did not want his expensive shoes to halt by your place in the line.

Izuku saw the angry blonde inching closer and closer, when he finally reached the greenette. The boy kept his eyes on the ground immediately, so the tall emperor would quickly just look over him.

He heard the footsteps to his left nearing, when he closed his eyes due to stress. When he opened them, he'd hoped to see the feet already past his place in line, but when he did, the expensive shoes were right in front of him.

Was the emperor still walking?

His question got quickly answered when he got asked his first question "What side of the village are you from?" Izuku's breath got caught in his throat, as he felt unable to breath. His voice coudn't be trusted as it trembled in his answer.

"I-I'm f-fr-fro-from the no-northern hi-hill, si -sire" Izuku stuttered out after many tries, which immediately got an annoyed reaction from the alpha in front of him. This question was probably in his favor, since it's pretty abandoned.

The emperor was obviously looking for betas from higher ranking families within the village. Izuku didn't have any wealth to speak of and didn't even have a job. So the chances he would meet the cold blonde's requirements were very slim.

"What family?" was the next question the greenette recieved. Izuku fidgeted with his fingers and still stared at the ground. He hadn't even looked the emperor in the eyes for one second. He was too terrified to face the man.

"um Midoriya, sire" Izuku answered knowing this also won't mean much, since his family isn't even known around the village, let alone around the nobles. As the greenette had suspected the other still wore this confused but mostly annoyed expression.

"I've never seen such green hair"

The whole room grows deadly silent immediately, since this was the first time there didn't follow a question from the emperor. To everyone's surprise it was a normal sentence that didn't require a boring short answer.

Izuku felt his heart beating in his head. What was he supposed to do? This didn't mean any good. He was definitely being noticed, so this could mean only two things. Or he was in the running for the job as personal servant or he would soon be disposed of in the dongeon.

Both options were absolutely horrible.

He could hear the guards behind him whispering to one another. It only made his fear stronger that his predictions were right. He kept his eyes on the floor and bit his lower lip fighting to the long eary silence.

Suddenly he felt a touch on the top of his head, as if something was pressing down on his green locks. Izuku didn't dare to look up, but he seemed to come to the weirdest conclusion.

Was the emperor smelling him?

The greenette looked up without thinking and pushes the emperor away, as his face displays quite the panic. Izuku's eyes now finally see the emperor from close up and his eyes widen.

He couldn't deny that the tall muscular man in front of him was beautiful. He had never seen anyone like this. He had a sharp face and vibrant crimson eyes. His iris's contained wild fires, just like the explosive look of his ashy blonde hair.

Izuku eventually realized he was staring after a full 10 seconds and quickly closed his bewildered mouth. He appologized softly and looked back down "so-sor-sorry" only to realize that his feet weren't on the line anymore.

It seemed he only now grasped the fact he had shoved the emperor with his own bare hands and stepped out of the line. His heart stopped as he tried to swallow his nerves, unable to look at the still silent man in front of him.

The room filled with silent whispers at the obvious crime the greenette had just committed. Izuku could see the man's arm in front of him lifting towards the guards. He was sure he would soon be carried off.

The greenhaired boy waited for the man's cold command, knowing it would mean his death. The room finally filled with the words everyone was waiting for, but not quite what Izuku had expected.

"I've decided"

"He'll be my personal servant"

Yes, Master [BakuDeku AU]Where stories live. Discover now