Chapter 10

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As they drifted to sleep and then woke in the morning, they had breakfast together before heading to the samurai academy. Mei had asked to watch Akira train, and Akira agreed, enjoying the opportunity to showcase her skills to her beloved wife.

At the academy, amidst the flurry of training sessions and sparring matches, a woman with flirty eyes approached Akira. She introduced herself as Yumi, a relative of one of the wealthy students attending the academy. Mei, noticing the interaction from afar, furrowed her brow, a sense of unease creeping into her heart.

Yumi: "It's nice to finally get a chance to talk to you, Akira-sama. I've heard so much about your prowess on the battlefield."

Akira, being polite, thanked Yumi for her kind words and returned the bow. However, Yumi's demeanor quickly shifted as she boldly placed her hand on Akira's thigh, her touch creeping upward.

Yumi: "You can thank me properly in a different way, Akira-sama."

Akira's expression hardened as she rebuffed Yumi's advances, reminding her of her marital status. But Yumi persisted, her hand venturing toward Akira's groin.

Akira: "Remove your hand, Yumi-sama. I am married."

Yumi smirked, her grip tightening on Akira's hand.

Yumi: "So what? It's not like you can resist, can you?"

Akira's glare intensified, her patience wearing thin. But before she could react, Mei stormed over and delivered a resounding slap across Yumi's cheek.

Mei: "How dare you harass my husband! Get away from us!"

Yumi recoiled from the slap, her expression turning from arrogance to shock. Mei stood protectively by Akira's side, her eyes flashing with determination.

Mei: "Are you okay, Akira?"

Akira nodded, grateful for Mei's timely intervention. Together, they walked away from Yumi, leaving her to nurse her wounded pride. As they continued their day at the academy, Mei remained by Akira's side, a steadfast reminder of their unbreakable bond.

After a long day at the academy, Akira and Mei returned home and settled in for dinner. However, Akira seemed tense, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the wealthy woman, Yumi, whom Mei had slapped earlier.

Mei noticed the change in Akira's demeanor and gently inquired about it as they retired to their room for the evening. Frustrated by Akira's tension and fearing that Akira cared about Yumi, Mei voiced her concerns.

Mei: "Akira, you've been tense ever since that incident with Yumi-sama at the academy. Do you... care about what happened?"

Akira's expression softened as she realized Mei's distress. She took Mei's hands in hers, reassuring her with a tender gaze.

Akira: "Mei, it's not what you think. I'm not concerned about Yumi-sama or her family's wealth. My only worry is for your safety and well-being."

Mei's eyes widened in surprise, touched by Akira's words. She leaned into Akira's embrace, feeling a sense of warmth and security wash over her.

Mei: "I'm sorry for doubting you, Akira. I should've known better than to question your loyalty to me."

Akira gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Mei's face, her eyes filled with affection.

Akira: "There's no need to apologize, Mei. I understand why you were worried. But please believe me when I say that you are the only one who matters to me."

Mei smiled, feeling reassured by Akira's words. Together, they shared a tender moment, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. As they drifted off to sleep, their hearts intertwined, knowing that no external force could ever come between them.

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