Chapter 1

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I've always wanted to Write historical bl stories
And now that dream is coming through
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[Third person's pov]

Should I wake up?
I probably shouldn't right?
Ugh but I have to...
If I don't this poor excuse of a father will not release mother to me

A slender figure is laying on a wooden bed pondering on whether or not he should go as an envoy for his father's hidden scheme just to get his mother back into his hands from his father who clearly is an excuse of fatherhood

If the king of their empire should know that he was tricked and that it was a Ger from this same empire that was sent to pretend to be his envoy

He's going to be skinned alive and Mr Lin his excuse of a father will not even budge or relate himself to him at all in any manner because only few people in the main city knows of him as Master Lin's son

Not all knows that the left state councilor has a Ger son
Why is that? Because his father sees him as an excuse
But this still confuses him as gers are seen as blessing in any family they are born into, even the king has a Ger brother
What else does this Master of his want from him

Never in his life will he call that man 'father' , Never!
Maybe when he dies and reincarnates

Not long into his conversation with his inner mind did he hear the sound of footsteps fast approaching
Not the sound of someone calmly coming but the sound of someone running towards his space in the court yard

Standing up in a fast motion in order to get a grasp of whatever it is that is going on outside
He was met with the shock of his life

There he saw his brother who his dad calls his manservant but he doesn't see him in that manner at all
For that is the only family he sees as a younger brother

Seeing him with bloodied body and torn clothes
Lin yue face contoured with fear because he knows that no matter how strong Shen luo his man/maid servant acts he's still a Ger and Master Lin other son has taken quite the interest in Shen Luo

Also confirming his suspicions did he see that it was Lin yen court yard his man servant came out from
Out of fear, Lin yue crouched in front of Shen luo holding his face with his hand and asking him what happened "He-he-he tried to-he tried to" Shen luo was stammering explaining what had happened to his master when the bastard and cause of this issue came out of his yard strolling with calmness

"Ah—was i too hard on you" he snickered
towards the manservant that was still clutching his clothes to his body and trembling in his master's hand

The idiotic Lin yen of the Lin family
never knows when to stop but all he is best good at is pouring salt on one's wound

He tried to reach out to Shen luo's face but Lin yue swats his hand away with a thick slap

"Father already said that any servant can be betrothed to me and I choose him" the idiot says pointing to Shen luo

Lin yue was not having the idiot's bulls hit any longer "brother(pronounced as 'ge') what else do you want", he asks while throwing daggers with his eyes towards his stupid fourth brother

Without any delay or remorse in his eyes the bastard of a brother answered glancing towards Shen luo again "Him", he smiled in a tight lip "I want all of him" he walked a step closer to Shen luo when the frightened human eyes went wide Asif death was about knocking at his door but before he could take another step closer, Lin yue came in between them and calmly told his fourth brother "one more step and one will be a killer the other will be a dead body" he smiled gently "choose fourth brother,let's test fate" the sweet smile disappeared and became a malicious one with deep intent to kill and he won't think twice before doing it

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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