Chapter 20

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The cool air blew around my naked, shivering body as the night went on. I lay on a cold metal slab with a poorly made wooden wedge above me to shelter me from the weather. It felt nice to be outside and reminded me of life of the streets. But, I also felt shame from my previous actions and fearful for my future. I did not know how long I would be left out here, and I was worried about the fast approaching winter. What was Levi's plan for me now?

The night passed slowly as I replayed the past events of the last couple of days in my head. I kept wondering about what job Levi does and how he can get away with keeping me here. Has nobody noticed that I am missing? What about my boss? My coworkers? My customers? How are they still living their lives while I am stuck here, under the control of a madman and his psycho friend?

The questions filled my head until it spun and twirled under the night sky. Eventually I could not take anymore and lost consciousness.

I awoke with a sharp pain in my ribs which made me jump back. I hit my head on the fence behind me and gasped. I heard a low chuckle and looked upwards to where it came from.

Levi was laughing at me, I presumed that he was the one who gave me the harsh kick to wake me up. He was holding a bowl of something steaming in the morning air.

"Morning little dog," he exclaimed happily.

I gave no response.

He chuckled again.

"I hope you like your new bed, you'll be out here for a while," he said ominously.

I gulped.

What was his plan?

He put the steaming bowl down next to me. I peeped at its contents with curiosity.

It was beige and watery and looked like it was supposed to be porridge. It also had strange specks of brown floating inside.

It looked revolting.

"Eat up," Levi demanded.

With no more words, he left me.

I was starving and could not pinpoint the last full meal I had. So I decided to eat the mysterious food.

It tasted how it looked.


With old water.

And disgusting brown flakes, which I am pretty sure was dirt.

Despite my disgust, I still managed to eat the meal. It's warmth filling me more than the meal itself.

Once I finished my food. I decided to take a good look around the garden.

The grass was overgrown in places and bare in others. Ferns and nettles littered the garden, fortunately no nettles were near me.

There was rubbish in the far corners of the garden. I could spot an old coke can and an old beer can from where I was sitting. I wondered if they were from a long ago garden party, full of joy and happiness.

In another corner, there was a broken greenhouse. Glass was shattered around it and its frame was bent out of place and rusty. Ivy grew upwards, strangling the long forgotten structure.

My attention was also drawn to the house, which seemed to be in darkness a lot of the time. It was a red brick at the back of the house, also with ivy growing up it, trying to get into the house via its cracks and open windows. The back door was a dark blue colour, it looked like it had been kicked in a couple of times and parts of the door had splintered off and now lay on the floor. Next to the door was a large plant pot. It looked like it was full of cigarette butts, but I could not see that far away, so it was just a guess.

I wondered, once again, what my future held.

Will I one day be as forgotten as this garden?


I scrolled through my phone mindlessly as I thought about my little doll outside. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me and I peeked outside one of the tinted windows.

There she was sitting upright on the metal slab I put down for this exact reason.

She was looking around her, eyes wide and lips perked.

The rope was tied snuggly around her delicate neck.

Her body was covered in bruised and cuts.

Her leg was nicely wrapped in the plaster cast.

I smiled at all the hard work I had been putting into breaking her spirit.

This was the last step in making her mine.

Watching her looking so defenceless lit a fire inside of me. I turned my phone back on and looked at all the females Leone had sent me. It would be his turn to have a doll soon and I was to help him as he helped me. Obviously I had been watching Ivy for years, waiting and waiting. But it took me even longer to find her. There were many failed dolls before her. But she is my last one.

Till death do us part.

Looking at the various girls Leone had sent me, only one stood out.

She had flaming red hair and the brightest azure blue eyes I had seen. She looked taller than my Ivy, standing at about 5'6, whereas Ivy was only 5'2. The red haired girl was wearing a black lace top and a tiny skirt which looked more like a belt. On her feet she had very high red heels which matched her bright red lipstick. Her waist was tiny and her breasts were massive. In all honesty she looked like a stripper but I knew that Leone loved strip clubs more than his own mother.

I went over to Leone and gave him the thumbs up for the girl. Then we made a plan, in 6 months the girl would be here.

I looked at her name before going to bed.

Her name was Clara.

Authors Note:
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the love this story has received! I appreciate it so much! I am trying to update this story as much as possible and I can confirm I do now have a plan on how this story will end (do not worry, there will be many, many, many chapters before the end is in sight!)

What is everyone thinking about Levi and Leone so far? Do you think Ivy will ever escape? Will Levi and Leone manage to kidnap a new girl? Let me know your thoughts!

Thank you again 💛

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