4.Void in the Platonic relation

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Gary and Violet called their parents through video call.

They have been close since childhood. But due to certain reasons, the bond isn't the same since 2 years.

Gary feels that Violet seems distant with him now. He has tried reason with her but she always shrugs off things now.

After the call , she turned to go back to her room.
"Hey ,where are you going"asked Gary

"Back to my room "said Violet

"Is it so uncomfortable to be with me?"

"No, I just want to be alone.Do you need something ?"

"No. Violet, what has happened to you?What has happened to us? I followed you and have always been there for you. I am willing to do anything for you. Why are you acting like we are just acquainted or in some formal relation."

"Wow then thanks for everything. You know what, not all relations in our life remain constant. Everything changes with time. Atleast that's what I learned from my life. If you are tired of being with me, just go. I have never told you to follow me. "

"You are right, you never asked me to. It was my choice. Just what should I do to make you look at me. "he said and cupped her face.

"Look at you for what? We are friends but just not as close as before. Why would you be so bothered? You have many so-called friends anyway. Isn't that what you told me an year ago , huh?"

"Friendship? You know it's not just that and I -"

Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call . It was Gary's phone.

Violet sighed when he started talking to other person on phone.

"Yeah man I reached America..........
Today?...Send me the location ....Ok ..see you later man..."
The call ended.

"It was my old friend Ethan. They want me to join them in the club. "

"Sure do whatever. No need to bother explaining anything to me . I'll get going. "

He held her hand to stop her.

"Violet, please. Just tell what I did wrong. I can't live without you."

"You did nothing wrong,Gary. It.. It's all because of my selfish hopes and wishes. Its all in past. Forget all that I said. Let's be friends. Just the normal friends."

"You are hiding something,Villy. Just say it. Please."

"No. I thought about that but it..it's nothing. I have something to prepare for tomorrow's shoot . Take care Gary. Don't drink too much."

"If you don't want to tell me about it now , that's fine. But promise me that you will talk about this properly someday soon,ok?"

"What if you hate after that?"

"I can never hate you even if I hate myself. Don't overthink anything."

He said and kissed her forehead.

He said and kissed her forehead

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"I- I should go. Try not to barge into my room like you usually do when you are drunk."

"I will try." he said with a sheepish smile

She smiled back.

That's how their relationship is. In the end they always makeup with each other. But when there's so much things that both of them have left to tell each other will everything really be alright. Or will the fear of losing each other because of truth be so strong that the chance for something beautiful between them be destroyed forever.

At 11:30pm

There was a knock on Violet's room. She knew who it was.

As soon as she opened the door she was picked up and thrown on the bed.
It was Gary. He settled himself near on the bed and hugged her. She slowly ran fingers through his hair and he hugged her tightly as they lay on the bed. He kissed on her forehead and said ,"Don't leave Violet. I love you too much."

Her face was pressed against his chest. She put her arms around his waist hugging him back and mumbled,"Good night, Handsome liar"

This is always how the night ends when Gary goes to club.
She was his everything even if she never knew it or maybe when she chose not to know it.

Gary never understood of what was in her heart? Just what was it that she couldn't tell him?
(Author's note: This is my first book. If you find any mistakes or suggestions, please let me know so that I can correct it . If you like what you are reading please vote as a gesture.)

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