Chapter 8

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Su let out a long sigh as both SUVs arrived back at the hotel without issue. He worried more than he let on about getting this group from point A to point B. Even with all the staff, that unnerving feeling didn't let up until they safely arrived.

Before Ami climbed out of the car, Yoongi kissed her ear and then whispered, "I know you want to talk with Su. When you're done, I'll be waiting for you." She felt him squeeze her thigh one more time before it was his turn to climb out.

"Good god." She murmured as Kook chuckled. "It's not only him, Little Bird."

Just then, Su was at the car's door. "Ready?" He smiled as she took his hand, and he helped her out. Relaxed car ride or not, they still needed to get inside without giving onlookers anything extra to talk about. Su pulled her out and walked her over to Jae.

"Nice ride?" she grinned as Ami took her arm. "Dangerous ride," she said quietly. Jae laughed as everyone started heading to the elevators and up to the rooms. As Pak scanned the keycard to his room, Su did the same for the guys, and they all started filing in. "Dear, do you want to rest first and then talk? Or do you want to talk sooner rather than later?" he asked as she paused in the doorway for a moment.

Joon put his hands on her hips and kept her feet moving into the room, "Hey!"

"Su, give her fifteen minutes. I think sooner than later is a better plan." Joon pushed her into the room and gave her a playful pat on the butt, making her laugh out loud.

"I suspect it is. Fifteen minutes then." Su smiled as he shut the door behind them all.

Ami barely tossed her purse down before Hobi hugged her from behind. She could feel him growing hard as he pressed against her. "Love. You sounded amazing today."

"I'm surprised you noticed with you fawning over Gaga the entire time." She giggled as he reached up, grabbed her breasts, and squeezed before letting go. She turned around, giving him a shitty grin as he stared at her. "Do you think I want her?"

"No." she giggled as Namjoon took his place, pressing up against her back and holding her the same as Hobi had.


"Unnnng." She moaned, feeling her knees buckle a little.

"Do I need to tell Su she's going to need more time?" Tae grinned as they all enjoyed watching her melt.

"No. She needs to get her other obligations out of the way so we can occupy her time," Jungkook said from across the room, his tone making her eyes close. Jimin walked over and whispered in her ear, "Wife. What do you want to do?"

Joon could feel her breathing pick up before resting her head on Hobi's shoulder. "I really need to talk to Su first. Then...all of this, please." They all smiled as Jimin took her hand, walked her over to the table, and sat her down. Jin was putting snacks and water down in front of her as they all stood down, at least until she was done with her talk.

Su gave it twenty minutes before he knocked. Kook ran over and opened the door, "Long time no see. Come on in."

"Did she eat?" He asked quietly as he shut the door.

"She did. She's good." Kook smiled.

"Hey, Su. Do you want to go out to the balcony?" Ami called out as she came out of the bedroom. She had changed into more comfortable clothes, shorts, and one of their oversized t-shirts.

"We could do that, or we could go sit up by the pool. We still have that cabana, and it might be a nice change of pace. What do you think about that?" They all watched her ponder for a moment about that option. "The pool is quiet this time of day, and our spot is private regardless," Su added. He wanted a little more space so they could have this conversation.

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