chapter five

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The two parted ways once they left the bathroom and for some reason, Axel was upset that they had to leave. He wanted to stay with Jasper, learn more about him.

"Hello." A soft voice says and Axel looks up to see a slightly muscular boy with bronze hair and the same honey Gold eyes as Jasper staring at him.

"I'm Edward Cullen, Jasper's brother." Edward introduces and holds out his hand until a different voice fills his head, a voice that obviously was not Axel's.

Don't shake his hand. Danger.

"Axel Summers." Axel says and grasps his hand, tensing at the differences in temperature while Imeni sighs in Axel's head, knowing Axel wouldn't listen.

"I'd figure that. Same eyes and beautiful looks." Axel jokes, his eyes holding something that Edward had seen before in the people he killed during his rouge journey. The knowing that he was a monster.

"You know something, don't you?" Edward asks and he tries to push past the unknown voice in Axel's head to actually read Axel's thoughts but it was as if something was stopping him from reading a single lick.

Don't even try it.

Edward flinches back at the loud voice and he takes his hand away, instead asking him another question.

"Where's your next class?" He asks quietly and Axel immediately remembers what class he was supposed to be in.

"Calculas." He says and it made Edward grin happily, something he has never done outside of his family but Axel was like a fire that warmed his heart.

"Me too! I'll walk you." He says and leads Axel towards Mr Varner's room, ignoring the shouting voice in Axel's head.

Danger! They are nothing but dangerous! Stay away!

"Ah. You must be Axel Summers." Mr Varner says and holds out his hand, letting Axel shake it but something about it felt... Wrong.

"You um... Can sit next to Mr Cullen." Mr Varner whispers, allowing Axel to walk away and sit next to Edward who was still trying to get past the creature in Axel's head and for once, he caught a snippit.


A grin spread across the bronze haired boys face and he moves his stuff so Axel could sit next to him while Jasper's name was the only thing he could hear.

"So... I know you and your family aren't human but at the moment, I don't care. I just want to be friends." Axel whispers to Edward who stiffens before nodding, focusing hard again and he finally managed to get past the creature.

Not human. But what? Do I even care? No. No I don't.

"And I know you're human but that thing in your head isn't." Edward whispers back and he focuses on that point in Axel's head, the point the creature couldn't guard.

So friendly. So what if they're not-

Get out of his head!

All of a sudden it felt like something stabbed Edwards head as the deep voice echoes in his. The creature had managed to find the key and was now guarding it.

You might be dangerous but Axel seems to trust you and I will try but you will not read his thoughts.

Edward nods stiffly and instead talks to Axel, trying to figure out more.

"You and your mom moved here recently. May I know why?" He asks and he notices how the question made Axel tense and shake.

Not that question you undead moron!

"My uh... We had some complications with my father." Was all he said and Edward simply decided to take that answer.

Fucking idiot.

Edward glares at Axel's head before turning away, flinching a bit when he manages to sneak past the creature and catch a glimpse of Axel's thoughts, seeing the memory of Axel's dad lying in a pool of blood.

"Micona." Edward hisses and Axel raises his eyebrow, confused before realizing Axel was talking about Imeni. Jasper had said the same thing and despite the blonde explaining it, he was still confused.

"See you later." Axel says as the bell rings and he notices something about Edwards eyes now that he looked deeper. It was something he had read about due to his love for the supernatural.


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