Chapter Thirteen

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She'd finally allowed herself to relax a bit once the after party was underway. She'd had a couple of glasses of champagne, danced with Lando and tried to ignore the way Joe was glaring at her from his seat across the room. He was deep in conversation with Cassie and she wondered what the two of them could possibly have to talk about.

She had been having such a good time with Lando and the others, a couple of glasses of champagne in, that she'd almost forgotten Joe was there, up until she'd gone to go to the bathroom and he'd collared her in the doorway.

"What do you want, Joe?" She sighed, looking around for someone to come and rescue her. The spot he'd picked was sheltered and out of view and she wasn't having much luck.

"You miss me." It was a statement, not a question. She got a waft of alcohol coming off him and realised that probably explained whatever this little outburst was.

"Joe." She sighed, trying to push past him. "Don't do this." She'd wanted to talk to him and get some answers for months, but not while he was drunk and about to cause a scene in the middle of her party.

He gripped her wrists, holding her firmly in place in front of him. "No, you can stay and listen to what I have to say. You didn't even hear me out last time."

"You told me you'd cheated on me two minutes before I was about to go on stage!" She hissed back, worried about someone overhearing them. "Then you told me you weren't sorry and you didn't regret it because you didn't see a future together for us. What did you expect me to say?!" She was in disbelief that they were apparently going to have this conversation here of all places.

"It was your fault you know. That I cheated." He shot back.

She laughed sarcastically. "Oh please do tell me how this was also my fault."

He sneered at her, taking a step closer and she instinctively took a step back until she was against the wall with nowhere else to go. He grasped her wrist as she tried to push him away.

"You're impossible. I had to give up everything to be with you. I couldn't even walk down the street. Everything was about you. It was suffocating. Being with her was like finally getting some fresh air. We'd both been miserable for months, years even, I needed the break."

She stared at him in disbelief trying and failing to wrench her arm free from his grip.

"It all about you, all the time." He continued, prodding his finger in her direction. "Has he figured that out yet? He's going to leave you when he does, you know that, right?"

"Joe, stop." She pleaded, looking around again for someone who might come and rescue her. He was looming over her, hand cradling her face now, the smell of alcohol on his breath washing over her face.

"And yet I still miss you." He mumbled. "I thought when I left I'd finally be free from you but you're everywhere I look."

She could feel her eyes filling with tears. If he'd said this six months ago she'd have thrown herself back in to his arms. She'd have apologised and agreed with him that it was her fault and she needed to try harder. She'd dreamt about it repeatedly. But times had changed, she wasn't the same person she had been back then.

The sound of the bathroom door opening behind them was a welcome relief. Oscar looked back and forth between the two of them, confusion on his face. She shot him a pleading look that she hoped he would realise meant she needed help.

"Everything okay here, Hannah?" Oscar asked, stepping towards them.

"We're just fine thank you." Joe answered, not looking away from Hannah. His grip on her wrist finally loosened and she snatched her arm away.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now