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"Why do a level test when we already know our ranks?" Rina questioned.

It has officially been a month since the school year started, today was the day of the monthly level test for the NEU students - all of the NEU students.

"It's a way for the professors to gauge our potential and stuff, recommend what fields we should go into and things like that." Chenle explained briefly.

Rina nodded, accepting the explanation. The sophomore representing teacher, Mr. Kim, was breaking down the schedule for the day and lucky for the new girl, he was very thorough in explaining the process.

"You all will be going up against elements that are your direct opposite or elements that are your direct weakness or strength. For instance, light and dark, water and fire, so on and so forth." Mr. Kim, held up a map of the school grounds which was specially modified for the day's activities. "Please go to your designated areas where you'll be given further instruction."

His eyes scanned through the grade. "As for the Top Rankers - follow me."

The trio exchanged glances, waiting for Hanbin to join them before following Mr. Kim.
"Hey! Remember me?," he jogged up to the electric elemental, signature smile on his lips. "Hanbin right?." She returned the smile politely and ended up walking with him as the quartet followed Mr. Kim much to the displeasure of the two Neos.

The two walked ahead of the air and shadow duo, conversation flowing pretty well between them.

Chenle clicked his tongue in annoyance, hands shoved into his track pants pockets. Jisung raised a brow in amusement. "What's up with you?"

"I didn't know Rina was close with anyone else," he huffs, a slight pout forming on his lips. The taller of the two chuckles, only a little surprised by his friend's reaction.

"Are you jealous?"

"No," Chenle rolled his eyes, "I'm just irritated." "Yeah - irritated that she's hanging with another person." Jisung retorted. "Rina can have other friends you know."

"Yeah, but I feel like I missed something... like when did those two get close?"

Chenle walked at a brisker pace, intentionally bumping shoulders with Hanbin as Jisung watched with a sigh.

The quartet made it to the Top Rankers' testing facility without any trouble and lined up accordingly by rank.

"The first people being tested today are Suoh Rina, Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno." Mr. Kim announced, and the two males stepped forward, Rina following their actions.

Mr. Kim gave the operating staff a signal and the ground started to shake, startling the Top Rankers.

"Woah," Hyuck gasped, as he and the other 15 students watched the ground separate, revealing a rather large pool, "That's new."

"Indeed it is."

A familiar voice boomed from the entrance of the facility, and in came Lee Sooman along with a few others.

"With an electric elemental entering the top ranks, we had to create a new level reading system to accommodate the element." He turned towards Rina whose eyes were glued to the pool. "I'm sure you know what we'll ask you to do." He picked out copper coin from his pocket and tossed it to the girl who caught it without looking.

In My Element [ft. NCT Dream]Where stories live. Discover now