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Cassandra smirked, drawing back to survey her opponent. 

He was tall, his hair a forest of dark hair not unlike her own, his eyes a brown, though far more narrow than hers. His jaw was set in concentration, his scar more apparent in the light, but his grin completely broke the image of intimidation.

Of course, this was her brother - Luke Castellan. 

"You ready to go toe to toe with me, little girl?" Luke grinned, his fingers playing with the hilt of his blade. 

Cassandra scoffed at his teasing, squaring her shoulders and rolling her eyes, "Here I was thinking you were the older sibling. We don't have time for this childish-"

Luke's grin widened, "You're only twelve, Cassie." 

"12 is nearly-" Cassandra scowled, "-just fight me." 

Luke laughed, though Cassie was used to his mind games and pre-empted his swing moments before it would've knocked her off her feet. 

Luke nodded in approval, and Cassie felt herself glow.

Though she'd keep that secret until the grave. 

"Try a little harder-" Cassie teased, only for Luke to lock their blades, sending her stumbling slightly. 

She ducked under his blow, using her smaller size to her advantage, and Luke stumbled forward, off balance. He quickly came back with a blow that seemed faster than physically possible. Cassandra was left out of breath yet impressed. She attempted to parry the blow with her own, and Luke seemed semi impressed with her tenacity, at least. 

Cassie broke the war of stamina she knew she would eventually lose, jumping back, then forwards, jabbing Luke. Her brother stumbled back, a grim smile on his face. His scar almost looked twisted in the light, contorting his features. 

Cassie was overcome with the vivid memory of her 'invincible' older brother shaking with bottled sobs over that very scar. How she'd felt like at any moment, her world could spin out of control with Luke weakened, learning her brother was not an invincible hero as she'd once believe. Well, he was still a hero. He always would be. 

That was the only time she'd ever seen Luke cry; even then, his mauled face was hidden from her, no matter how much she tried to get a glimpse. She'd feared far worse, when Luke hid his face for what felt like weeks. 

However, scar or no scar, the girls from any cabin never seemed immune to the Castellan charm. She noticed many campers, mostly residents of cabin ten, milling around the training ground. Cassie, for one, hated the constant attention on her brother. Gods, the girls who'd pretended to like her just so they could worm their way into her brother's heart (or just general vicinity). And some of the older girls knew the truth about her, and the thought of associating with them made Cassie squirm. 

"Hey, Cassie, you ok?" Cassie realised she'd been fighting on auto pilot, and that of course, Luke would notice. His face softened with genuine affection; Cassie nodded - "Just..thinking," 

"Cassie.." Luke lowered his voice, "you can talk to me about it, y'know?" 

Cassie realised he'd come to the wrong conclusion - well, usually, it was the right one. 

"No, I'm all good. Thanks." her voice came out stunted and unenthusiastic, although she tried to sound upbeat and unbothered. 

Luke seemed to want to press matters further but he decided to change the subject, which Cassie couldn't be more pleased about, "Grover's apparently found a new camper."

Cassie grinned: she could always rely on her camp counsellor brother for camp gossip without fail. Unless it was something totally top secret. But even then, Cassie couls usually get the truth out. 

"What do you think the camper will be like?" Luke enquired and Cassie shrugged

"Could be a prissy Aphrodite brat for all I care as long as they make it across the property line with Grover leading." 

Luke nodded approvingly, and again Cassie's heart seemed to dance in pleasure. 

"That's my girl. Family first. Always." 

"Always." Cassie echoed diligently. 

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