6 : beauty shop

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hiii thats the part two of chigiris moments cuz he deserves it, not bc i planned to forget about him until kunigami comes back 😶

jk n e way, yall may know but the ideas are alrzady writen so i just need to make scene or create it in my head and poof!

btw if it can help someone making chatfic story, heres some advice :

1. Start with an idea (basically character 1 is meeting the character, chapter 2 introduces them or can always talk  more about the mc)

2. write the characters in it (not a must)

3. bring ur humor (personally idc if ur humor sucks, mines too)

4. put image to make the story funnier and longer (always work for me tbh)

5. thats okay if the characters are ooc just try to make them like u think they would react

6. if u think ur chapter is cringe, just wait if people like it, if they dont rewrite it, or if u find it cringe rewrite it to something you like

7. u can make the story realistic (i do it sometimes and sometimes id)

8. always write ur chapters in advance cuz if u keep posting everydzy u may be lost and update once a week (ofc if ur comfortable with it keep going)

9. read other chatfic! (it really helped me seeing a lot of chatfic cuz my humor upgrade, i hope so, i have a better view of how the characters are while chatting, i have good time and that gives me ideas)

10. last advice : enjoy writing ur chatfic, cuz thats something some people dont realize, but as a writer, i love writing these and see a lot of people comment. it makes my heart all excited!

n e ways, heres the advice i wanted to give if someone wanted to write ONE day a chatfic!

hope ull like the chapter coming!

-please send help-
(isagi, bachira, chigiri, gagamaru, raichi, igaguri, reo, nagi, niko, baro, aryu, rin, yn, tokimitsu, shidou, hiori, karasu, nanase, eita, yukimiya, kurona, sae)

-aryu is online!-

i was ✨thinking✨ about something

-chigiri is online!-



well i got to the ✨conclusion✨ that

you have a ✨shampoo✨

a ✨magic✨ shampoo



well you ✨see✨

i think you should open a ✨beauty ✨ shop

to have some weirdos coming to me?

no ✨

so ✨i✨ can buy your stuffs

we use the same stuffs...

how can u think im using other shampoo

i didnt even bring my own shampoos

but ✨

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