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jeff, i don't have a god
i don't have this vision of hell and heaven
but i do believe in the magic of life
i believe in souls that remain
always in songs and in words
poetry is divine
and tells people about what they don't know
about the life that exists behind them
a muse will be known
even with no name
and you, jeff, are on my bedside table,
watching over me
on the cover of a cd
jeff, i do believe that you exist
somewhere i can't see
but i can feel your grace
and the soft voice that appeases me
jeff, you are living softly in my words
you are walking in my head
in a big office that you make messy
you take all the files
and flip through all of them
curious mysterious boy
creating divinity on my poetry
were you even real
or did we all have the same dream
beautiful siren
voice of velvet
your lost soul belongs to the sea
but were you even lost, jeff
when you were living?
did you dream of peace
or did you have it?
jeff, i am lost without your words
without your grace and without your sea
i need you to guide me
aurora borealis
you're floating around me
jeff, i didn't know words could climb the stars
before you met me

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