part 1

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" come on, tell me" i whispered, trying to coax my freind into telling me who she liked.
" okay fine but don't tell anyone"
"i won't i promise"
she leaned in and cupped her mouth to my ear, "eli"
"omg really ? i never would have guessed taht."
it took everything in me to not show the disappointment on my face. i faked a warm smile, " are u gonna tell him?"
"no i know for a fact that he doesn't like me and never would, besides he's gianas ex so i wouldn't do taht to her"  Yes, that means i still have a chance
" yeha i guess that makes sense, wouldn't want to make her upset"
"yeha i would feel to bad doing that, not that he would ever date me."
"never say never"
she laughed, earning a look from our teacher who was a tempting to explain factoring , which none of us understood.
aubrey leaned back over to me, a worried look on her face " you promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Yeah i promise"
"okay good cause your the only one i told" she could probably tell from the look on my face that i was surprised at hearing that
" really? what about lexie and giana?"
"well i'm not gonna tell giana casue she would get mad, and if i tell lexie she's probably gonna turn around and tell giana."
" true" i said mulling over this new information
"so does that mean u consider me a trustworthy friend" i said with a smirk
" yeah apparently my only one" we both laughed which earned us another angry glance from mr smith " girls if you don't stop talking and pay attention i'm separating you!" me and aubrey exchanged a knowing glance and went back to focusing on our dumb papers, this class sucks but atleast i know i have a new friend to rely on, at least for now.

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