8 - Recoup

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A/N: Things are happening that are going to make you question my writing decisions. Also there will be ALOT of POV switches in this one. I see it as like scene switches in a TV show. :) Enjoy.


Lilith's POV:

"They found Fentanyl in Billie's blood, along with a deadly amount of alcohol that should've killed her," Justin explains as he pinches the bridge of his nose. All three of us, Justin, Finneas, and myself, stand outside of Billie's hospital room.

"I practically stopped her from drinking and tried getting her sober. along with the Fentanyl part, I don't understand," I explain frantically, still in complete and utter shock.

"She didn't take anything else that seemed suspicious?" Finneas asks me. I shake my head quickly.

"Could it have been in her alcohol? Maybe something she smoked?" Justin theorizes.

Suddenly, the door opens and the doctor walks out.

"Is she awake?" Finneas immediately asks the doctor.

"She's awake, however, she's not fully cooperative with the nurses or me. Regardless, she's going to be put on a 48-hour suicide watch," The Doctor explains.

"What do you mean? She's not suicidal, this was purely an accident," Finneas states as the doctor shakes his head.

"We don't know that. She won't tell us what happened, and she isn't willing to communicate with us. As of now, we can only assume that she ingested the alcohol and drugs with the intention of suicide," The doc explains. "A psychiatrist will be sent to her room around the afternoon for a one-on-one session. If you guys can get her to talk by then, and get her to talk to the psychiatrist, depending on her mental state, she'll be free to go home after the 48-hour hold," The Doctor finishes. "You guys are free to visit her, excuse me," He says before walking off to the next room.

Finneas immediately walks into the room while I stay behind with Jake.

"I genuinely don't know what happened Jake. I swear she was fine before I left," I explain once more. He sighs before crossing his arms.

"We'll figure this out once she starts talking," Jake says before walking to the room as well.

I hesitate as I stand next to the door.

"I think it's best if I go," I say before Billie interrupts me.

"Please stay," She mumbles as she looks down.

"I can't," I say before Billie holds my hand.

"Please, don't leave me again,"

At the time, my decision felt right to make. But from my decision, did I end up missing signs that I should've seen in Billie?

I slowly open the door and I see Finneas hugging Billie, as she returns it partially. Jake sits on the chair next to Billie's bed, texting who I could only assume are work employees.

As I walk in, Finneas departs from the hug as Billie looks up at me. She was pale, her eyes lost the blue cool tone and looked more silver, while the bags under her eyes seemed more prominent than before. She looked mentally and physically exhausted, and I couldn't blame her.

I wanted to apologize.

"Hey Bil," Is all I muster. She looks at me before looking down, her hair covering her eyes. I stand there in silence before speaking up.

"Would you guys mind giving us five minutes please?" I ask. Finneas nods as Jake does as well, before leaving the room. Shortly after, I pull up a chair next to Billie's bed before sitting down on it. I look up at her as she continues to avoid eye contact.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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