Chapter 22 - Halcyon Loyalist

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POV Pandora/Gemini

TW: Mentions of Torture, Mentions of R*pe, Mentions of Torture for Info.

Chapter Started: May 1, 2024
Chapter Finished: May 17, 2024

Michael had just called a meeting for all of us to attend, and when we got there he explained what was happening.

"Everyone is here? Good, so the manager of the Seatle branch just captured a high-ranking Halcyon Loyalist, his name is Spencer Kills, codename Skill, he ain't talking so we're going over there to make him talk." Mike explained
"You mean to torture him? That is extreme but I have done it once" Pete said, I was shocked at what he had just said
"Um yes Pete, thankfully we're only going to beat the shit out of him with our fists, cricket bats, and frying pans, and yes I know you tortured a kid back in 04'," Mike explained and we were all shocked that Pete tortured a kid in 2004, feeling the stares Pete spoke up

"The bastard I tortured r*ped my little sister earlier that year and made me watch, I walked into Hannah's room and saw her hanging corpse, I will never forget that sight of her, my sister like that, I made that boy cry and squirm like how he did to my little sister Hannah, No Regrets," Pete said angrily when he recalled what happened, and cried when he talked about his sister Hannah, and smiling at the end when he recalled his revenge, I can't blame him, he lost his little sister, If I lost Derrick, I would also hunt down those responsible.

3 Days Later

We got to the Seattle Phoenix Warehouse where the Halcyon Loyalist was kept, We entered and headed upstairs to the top floor and saw Falcon, a blue-haired girl with the name tag Celeste Rivera Danger must be married to Falcon then I thought, and a Latina girl.

"Falcon, Rivera, and Copycat, nice to see you all again," Mike said, so the Latina girl is codenamed Copycat I thought.
"Hello? I got a name, it's Sadie Crestfallen, Copycat is just for work," Sadie says
"Well, where is he?" Pete asked
"Right here, also take this cricket bat," Sadie says
"So were beating the bitch?" Pete asks
"Just until he talks, so go for arms, legs, and the chest," Falcon says
"Ok then, also how was Alaska?" Mike says
"Good, and Rivera gave birth, last month as well," Falcon says happily
"That's incredible you two, also what's their name, and where is the baby then" Pete says joyously, so Rivera gave birth to Falcon's Kid, I thought
"Seth Elliot Rivera Danger, he is with Gavin at the safe house, also Gavin and Sadie are engaged," Rivera says 
"Hey! You told me you wouldn't tell anyone!" Sadie yells embarrassed, and we all laugh and walk over to the Loyalist.

I walk over and Sadie tosses all of us a pair of ear muffs, Will asks what they were for, and Sadie responds "To block out the screaming, because I'm not puttin' a gag on him because we need him to talk" and we all nodded placing the Ear Muffs on our ears.

"Can't we just threaten him by putting a gun next to his head?" Will asked 
"This bitch is a Halcyon Loyalist, he won't speak, so we'll make him speak," Sadie answered

(Ok, Let's skip the actual torture part and skip to when they get the info because I don't want to write torture!)

1 Hour Later

It's been an hour since it started and he finally started to speak...

"I'll ask this again, where is the Halcyon counterfeit cash factory!" Pete Yelled at Spencer
"F-fin-n-e, i-it's in K-kent-uck-y, L-lex-ing-t-ton... E-eu-ca-ly-pt-u-s Print W-wor-ks" Spencer Coughs out
"Eucalyptus Print Works? In Lexington, Kentucky?" Mike asks to confirm, Spencer slowly nods his head
"Ok, we got the location, Sadie, you can take care of him, we will inform Ross to expect us," Mike says, as we leave, a few minutes later I hear the sound of a silenced gunshot, and Sadie confirms to us when we got in the van that Spencer Kills was Dead...

(A/N This was a very uncomfortable chapter to write, I don't like torture, Pete's confession was very sad even for me, but it was necessary for this chapter's plot, with all that being said see you all in the next chapter!)

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