A/N -I am in fact alive

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Hi. Yes. I'm alive. I've just been in a writing block slump. My brain hasn't been in a writing mood and every musical fandom I'm in that I write a fan fic for I lose interest.


As a form of motivation...

I'm going to be sharing some of my favorite musical character head cannons that I almost always add into my writing.

Heere we go.

1) Musicals In General.

— if it's a Highschool all the musicals will be there

— The popular cliques from each musical hate each other

— Connor Murphy and one of the cousins from 21 Chump Street are cousins

— Justin Laboy and Rich Goranski are cousins

—Jeremy Heere and Jared Kleinman are cousins

— Jeremy Heere and Evan Hansen are step brothers 

2) Hamilton

— John Laurens and Francis Kinloch are friends


— Francis Kinloch x John Andre 

— John Laurens loves baseball

— King George and Lafayette do drag



—The Schuylers are triplets or Angelica and Eliza are twins and Peggy just skipped a year of school

3) In The Heights

— Movie version except for Sonny and Graffiti Pete who are Broadway version

— Mr. Softie and The Piragua Man are married

— Usnavi supports Sonny dick sucking quest

4) 21 Chump Streets

— Justin was talked out of the Naomi situation

— Justin has good friends

— Justin got justice

5) Dear Evan Hansen 

— Evan  is a pathological liar

— Evan curses

— Evan stutters

— Jared x Bathbomb

— Zoe and Connor are good siblings 

— Alana can rot


6) Be More Chill

— Keanu Reeves x Evil Kermit

— Keanu didn't die because Christine drank the Mountain Dew not Jeremy

— Christine and Jenna are ace but they still date

— RichJake for life

— Boyf Riends for life

— Keanu is amazing

— Keanu is my husband

— Jeremy x SQUIP is my crack ship

— I like putting nods to the book

7) Ride The Cyclone

— Talia is her own person

— Talia only loved Mischa because he was a "bad boy gangster" whereas Mischa only loved her because she was his only link to Ukraine 

— Nischa

— The choir gets brought back to life at the end and they wake up in hospital rooms after being pronounced dead moments before

— Penny Lamb looks more like Jane Doe than the real Penny Lamb

— Monique is a story that Noel is writing and later publishs

— This musical is seriously underrated like go listen to it

— Mischa kisses hands 

8) Falsettos

— Autistic Jason.

— Marvin and Whizzer needed to break up so Marvin could grow

— Whizzer doesn't sleep with the guy that gave him AIDS and doesn't sleep around any more and ends up becoming a small business owner

— Mendel is amazing

— Whizzer is a baseball couch for a certain someone's team

— Jason is a really gifted kid who gets really overstimulated really easily

— Live Laugh Love Jason

Obviously there's more musicals I'm in but I've only listened to Heathers like twice and Mean Girls once I didn't do them. Plus I couldn't really add SIX or the pjo musical but I love them too. I'm just crazy okay? I also feel like I'm forgetting a musical....


— Odessyus can rot in hell 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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