Chapter 3

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Five Years Later

Maggie's (POV)

"Mama, Mama wake up" I hear Mina, my now five year old daughter, say as I turn over and see her sitting up in my bed. "The bad things are they still outside?" She asks softly looking up at me with her big brown eyes, "Yes baby, they are" She whines and crosses her arms, "I wanna go play" she says looking at me. "I know baby but you can play outside the farm like always" I explain to her as I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Grandpa said I couldn't until you waked up mama" she explains as I laugh at her cute self. "It's woke up sweet pea" I correct her and kiss her head before getting out of bed. "Let Mama get you and herself dressed and fed then we can go outside if grandpa doesn't need help, okay baby?" I say to her, she nods and goes to grab her clothes. I throw on a pair of jeans and a pink tank top before going over to the bed and helping Mina into her outfit.

I dress her in a pair of soft feeling jeans and cute little flowered shirt and a pair of socks, "Go downstairs to the kitchen please sweet pea" I say to her as she heads out the door, I look at the door and see the two bags packed by it for Mina and I. Since the world has gone to shit and these things the dead rising and eating us showed up I keep the bags filled with things we need incase we need to run. It happened to Annette and Shawn, my step brother, it's scary and I just hope I keep my girl safe.

I sigh before heading downstairs myself and see Mina talking her aunt's ear off, I chuckle walking into the kitchen and grabbing some food that Patricia laid out for us to eat. Patricia is our ranch foreman's wife. She took good care of us especially since the world went to hell, "Mama food please" Mina says, I laugh before handing her the food and she eats as she still talks to Beth. "Where's Otis?" I ask Patricia.

"He went out hunting to find more food" She says as she cleans up what she's doing, "Hey Beth where's daddy" I ask, "He's somewhere around here" she says, I nod before finishing my food. "I'm done mama, can we go outside?" Mina asks, looking at me with her puppy eyes. "Yes we can but remember you have to stay close to the house and listen to mama" I explain, she nods and goes to put on her boots. I follow behind her and throw on my boot before opening the door for us to go out.

Mina quickly runs past me and makes her way to the spot in the grass my dad had set up for her to play at. I smile as I sit down on the chair on the porch and watch her play for a while. "Mama, come play with me!" Mina shouts as she looks over at me, "Mina, what have I said about shouting. We have to be quieter now" I scold her, "Im sorry mama just want you to play with me" she says softly looking at me.

"It's okay sweet pea we just have to remember to be quieter okay?" I say, she nods before handing me a toy to play with her. We played for a couple hours before I decided to go inside to eat lunch, "Come on baby, let's go eat" I say, as I stand up and hold my hand out to her. She ignores my hand and asks to be picked up, I chuckle before leaning down and picking her and she lays her head on my shoulder.

I set her down at the table and hand her a sandwich Patricia made and she quickly eats it all, "I'm tired mama" Mina says as she yawns. "Okay lets have you take a nap" I say before picking her up again and bringing her to the living room so I can keep an eye on her. I lay her on the couch and cover her up with a small blanket, "Mama can I see the picture of my daddy again?" she asked softly.

I smile before pulling the folded picture out of my pocket that I printed out all those years ago and hand it to her, "he looks so nice mama why is he not here?" she asked, looking at me. "We just lost each other baby but I'm sure we'll meet again" I try to explain to my five year old daughter so she understands, "I hope he finds us I wanna meet him mama" she says before yawning again, I smile sadly at her before taking the picture back and kissing her head. I watch as she closes her eyes and I kiss her forehead before taking a seat on the chair across from the couch and picking up the book I've been reading.

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