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—"GRAAAAH!" A yell was heard, "wait, was that Beel just now?!" Asmodeus asked, "Beel!" Belphegor yelled. "grrr...!" Beelzebub growled.

"calm down, Beelzebub! don't fight me. as strong as you are, you're no match for my power." Diavolo said, "huh?! what's going on?!" Leviathan questioned. "looks like Lord Diavolo managed to pin Beel down usin' sheer strength." Mammon replied to Leviathan.

"Beel!" shouted Belphegor.

"Belphie, wait!" Asmodeus yelled after him, "let go of me!" Belphegor said to Asmodeus. "calm down. look at Beel... see the state he's in? he's still thrashing around, even though Lord Diavolo has pinned him down." Asmodeus said to him.

"he's so hungry that he's completely lost his mind. he's out of control. i know this is you. but if you go over there, you might get hurt...." Asmodeus said.

"i don't care! that's still Beel over there! i have to go help him..!" Belphegor yelled at his 5th eldest brother. " no... i'll go." Lucifer suddenly said.

"but Lucifer..." Asmodeus worriedly said.

"Diavolo, go ahead and release Beel. I'll handle-" Lucifer almost continued, until..

"GRAAAAHHH!" Beelzebub yelled making Irene flinch, Mammon shielded Irene with his body worried that she might get hurt, "grh.." Lucifer letted ou.

"g'aah!" Leviathan yelled out.

"ugh.. th-that's some crazy power...!" Mammon yelped still protecting Irene, "stop it, Beel! you can't do this... you're hurting your brothers!" Belphegor said trying to knock some sense into Beel's mind.


"Beel...! Beel! don't you recognized me...?!" Belphegor questioned Beelzebub, 

"GRAAAH!" Beelzebub yelled as he tried to pounce on Belphegor,
"look out, Belphie!" Mammon yelled, "no! BEEL!" Asmodeus yelled.

Irene stood off and used magic to stop him


"what the-" Lucifer said, "what's going on-" Diavolo questioned. "what the...?! Irene's ring is glowin'..." Mammon said, "just like that time at the cemetery..." Belphegor said in shock.

"Irene's channeling our power...!" Belphegor said in shock







--"IN THE name of the sorceress Irene... let the power of the DEMONS before me be my own." Irene said, a soft light struck.

"this is just like what happened last time...! our magic.. Irene is absorbing it!" Asmodeus said. Lucifer was in shock, even though Beelzebub was shocked too.. he already passed out.

"Beelzebub stopped fighting back... he seems to have passed out." Diavolo said.

"Beel!" Belphegor yelled. "Beel! Beel, it's me...! Beel!". "its alright, Belphie." Asmodeus told him. "like Lord Diavolo said, he's just unconscious. no need to worry." Levi said.

"actually, this is probably a nice break for him. it's probably beats the agony of bein' hungry, right?" Mammon questioned.


"Irene, who... who ARE you...?" Diavolo questioned Irene, 'a sorceress? a princess? a half mermaid? the 7 brother's sister friend?' she thought.

"that ring.. what are you doing with that?" Lucifer questioned her. "that thing you just did...you used that same power at the time we went to the mausoleum, didn't you?" Asmodeus asked.

"Dammit. i never said you could just help yourself to every ounce of magic i had..." Mammon said.

"what are you talking about? you mean to say this has happened before?" Lucifer asked his brother, "s-sort of, yeah... it was that time we went to the mausoleum to help Mammon with the work-for-hire thing..." Leviathan answered.

"why didn't you tell me?!" Lucifer yelled.

"Eek! uh, i-i mean, Irene's a sorceress and all, so... we figured that maybe any sorcerer/sorceress good enough to be Solomon's apprentice can just do that sort of thing..." answered Leviathan.

"you think it's normal to be able to do that ? we're talking about forcibly extracting and appropriating a DEMON'S power... all without the presence of a pact." Lucifer sternly asked.

"there's obviously no spell for that. if Solomon could do that, why would he feel the need to forge a pact with Asmo?!" Lucifer yelled.

'Wait.. Solomon couldn't do that?' Irene thought.

"r-right, good point..." Leviathan said to Lucifer, Lucifer walked closer to Irene and said "who are you exactly, Irene? and that ring... what are you doing with the Ring of Light? that ring belongs to me." Lucifer said, "huh, so thats is the Ring of Light?" questioned Asmodeus.


"what about you, Diavolo? do you know something about this?" Lucifer asked Diavolo, "i don't know anything about the ring. however... Irene... now that it's come to this, maybe you should be the one to tell them?" Diavolo asked.

"i'm actually not from the Devildom." Irene said while her magenta colored doe eyes looked away from them because of feeling bad and also Guilty.

"hm...? what's that supposed to mean?" Asmodeus asked.

"whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on... is that your way of sayin' that you're not really a DEMON ?" questioned Mammon, "huh? then does that make you an ANGEL?" Leviathan asked being so confused.

"no, Irene isn't an ANGEL. I may be a DEMON now, but i can still sense when i'm in the presence of an ANGEL. so, if you're not a DEMON, and you're not an ANGEL, then..." Lucifer said.

"you're a... HUMAN?" Belphegor said with a wide eye.

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