Just Dreams

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: loss, parent death, memory loss, breakdowns, mentions of stabbing/being stabbed metaphorically,
The moon was high in the dark night sky when Thomas woke up needing to go to the bathroom. He looked around himself to see if anyone else was awake near him. Nobody was. He looked over to Chuck and saw the boy snoozing soundly. Thomas very carefully pushed himself up and out of his cot.

As he started to tiptoe away, he noticed Newt shuffling under his blankets. Thomas hesitated a moment, contemplating waking him up from his obvious bad dream, but he didn't. He didn't want to risk scaring him and making him scream, which would wake everyone else up, which would also embarrass Newt a lot.

Also...he really needed to pee.

So, Thomas tiptoed out of the hut and over to the designated bathroom area.

He stood outside for a few minutes after he'd finished. The Maze shifted loudly, making him jump and jarring him out of enjoying the cool night air. He looked at the giant concrete walls. He wondered if it had woken anyone else up.

Okay, it was only getting later, and he had a few morning duties to do. Thomas forced himself to look away from the sky and go back to the sleeping hut.

He opened the door slowly and crept back towards his cot. He looked over everyone there once again, assessing if the Maze had awoken anyone. Nobody looked disturbed, except Newt.

Disturbed meaning his cot was empty.

Thomas frowned and looked around the hut, but Newt wasn't around. He hadn't seen him when he was outside. A pang of worry struck Thomas's gut, but he didn't know why. The Glade was safe. Hadn't he just seen the Maze closed up? Nothing would be getting in.


Thomas turned back around and went out the door. He stood outside the hut and looked around.

"Newt?" He whispered. Of course, he got no response. He took a few steps in a random direction, and then a few more steps in a different random direction. He came to stand under the tree with the platform when he paused to look around again.

That's when he heard the sniffling.

Coming from directly above him.

Thomas looked up, and he saw nothing; no legs dangling over the edge. But he heard the sniffling again, this time followed by sharp, jagged breathing.

A different type of worry stabbed Thomas's gut again, stronger this time. He hesitated only a moment to consider whether or not Newt would want him up there with him, but he ignored the doubt because...his friend was upset. What else was there to say?

Thomas climbed up slowly, but he tried to make enough noise to alert Newt to his presence. He reached the top just in time to see Newt swipe at his face and glance in his direction. He was sitting cross-legged against the tree trunk at the center of the platform.

"What are you doing up?" Newt asked him. Thomas could hear his voice shake. He shrugged as he walked over.

"I dunno. I had to pee." He answered casually. Newt turned his head away from him, and Thomas looked him up and down. Despite the dark, he could see Newt's hands trembling.

"What are you doing up?" He asked. Newt looked down, picking at his finger.

"Couldn't sleep." He said quietly. Thomas nodded. He was trying to gage Newt to see how casual he should keep things.

"Everything okay?" He asked, looking back at him. In the moonlight, he saw his friend's face tighten as he looked away again. Newt wiped his eyes quickly. "Newt?" Thomas asked.

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