3 0 0

(DAY 06)

Kyle closed the door, and the two left, and when the two left, they said goodbye to Renzo and left because they were going to the basketball court.

(01:36 PM)

*Shaira - it's hot right now (sit down)

*Irish - too much

*Shaira - I'll just get our juice (stand up)

*Irish - okay (sit down)

*Zyrine - hi guys

*Irish - where are you from? why didn't I see you?

*Zyrine - Nothing, I just went to someone earlier

*Shaira - ah okay

*Zyrine - yes (sit)

*Irish - I thought you'd get some juice (look)

*Shaira - I was just about to get some juice, you were in a hurry too

*Irish - good

*Zyrine - the weather is really hot

*Irish - true

*Zyrine - HAHAHA what happened last night?

*Irish - hmmmm...

*Zyrine - it's a joke

*Irish - what did I say last night?

*Zyrine - you like kyle

*Irish - did I really say that?

*Zyrine - yes

Honestly, I don't like Clark anymore, but I didn't think I would say that in front of my friends, maybe I just drank too much so I told them that.

*Irish - (looks at zy)

*Zyrine - why???

*Irish - to be honest I used to like clark, now I don't like him anymore

*Zyrine - are you sure?

*Irish - yes, I just recently realized that I should stop it

*Zyrine - true

*Irish - hmmmpp...

And shaira came with something to drink

*Shaira - this is your juice (handed over)

*Zyrine - thank you shai

*Irish - thanks

*Shaira - welcome (sit down)

*Irish - btw? what time will they go home danniela?

*Zyrine - as far as I know later, they will be home at 3:30

*Irish - oh okay

*Shaira - it's really hot, let's take a dip in the swimming pool

*Irish - let's go

*Zyrine - past

*Irish - okay

*Shaira - let's change before we go swimming in the pool (leave)

*Irish - okay (leave)

Hystt, alone again.

*Shaira - I'm done

*Irish - me to

*Zyrine - wow, your sout is beautiful

*Shaira - zy?

*Zyrine - why?

*Shaira - can you put sunblock on my body?

*Zyrine - it's okay, give me your sunscreen I put on your body

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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