chapter 2

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Anna POV: 

I woke up the next morning feeling fatigued. I had no appetite and felt like doing nothing all day. I even received a message from the student council and applied for sick leave. I thought to myself that I needed to improve my mood before Mr. Ray came home. A few days later ~~ I realized that what I was doing wasn't worth it. I know that guy rejected me, but it doesn't mean the world will end. I know it's going to be hard, but I need to forget about him since he was the first person I opened my heart to. 

 it's time to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings. 

 Nosaka's POV :

 It's been almost a week, but I can't shake the image of Anna's tear-streaked face from my mind. I don't know what I did to upset her, but I feel guilty for making her sad so suddenly. More importantly, I think I might be developing feelings for her. She's been on my mind constantly. Lost in thought, Nitqishi walked in with my favorite watermelon, followed by Astou and Haziki. 

 Astou: "Hey, Nosaka-kun." 

Haziki: "Hey."

 Nosaka: "Hello, everyone. It's great to see you." 

 Astou: "How are you feeling now?" 

 Nosaka: "I'm doing well. I'm heading to America for surgery." 

 Astou: "That's great news. You need to get better soon so we can play more soccer." then Haziki dropped a bombshell on me 

 Haziki: Remember that girl you were with a couple of days ago? I saw her crying a lot while running to her car. 

 Nosaka: I thought to myself, did I hurt her too much? But maybe it was the right thing to do. What if I don't make it? 

 Astuo: Speaking of Anna-san, I haven't seen her since the finals. When we asked about her, they said she was sick and took a sick leave. 

 At that moment, Nosaka's mind began to spin with thoughts. He doesn't know why, but the feeling of regret is haunting him. 

 Anna's POV: 

 Today was the day I came back, and they were deciding on the selection of players for the national team. As soon as I entered the stadium, Ootani came running to me and dragged me somewhere.

Oatani: Where have you been, Anna-san? I heard you were sick. Are you okay now?

 Anna: Ah, these non-stop questions. Yeah, I'm fine now, but I caught a really bad cold. 

 Ootani: I'm glad you're all better. By the way, I have some surprising news. You and I were chosen as the national team managers. Yay!

After that, Ooatni went to get our uniforms from the coach. While I was waiting for her, oh no, until my eyes landed on that pesky seal. 

 Anna began shaking and experiencing a panic attack. She felt paralyzed as the sight of the seal triggered past trauma. Suddenly, a blond-haired guy approached her to see if she was okay. Who could he be? As she looked up at the blond-haired guy, she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. His concerned expression and gentle demeanor made her feel a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in a long time. Could he be a guardian angel sent to help her through this moment of distress?

The guy with the blonde hair was Afuro Terumi, the captain of Zeus High School. 

 Afuro : "Are you okay, miss?" 

Anna: (I could see someone talking to me, but I couldn't hear anything.) Anna kept reaching for her bag but couldn't reach it. 

Afuro noticed and made his way to help her out. He opened the bag and saw some meds in there, handing them to her. Anna took a handful of medication, which concerned Afuro . At that moment, Anna came back to her senses and noticed Afuro . 

Anna: "Hello," she greeted. "Thank you for helping me. If you hadn't come, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to stand back up." 

Anna initially thought he looked familiar, but then she remembered - oh, he's the captain of Zeus High, Afuro Terumi.

Afuro: greeted her with his angelic voice, saying, "It's my pleasure."

As they talked, Afuro couldn't help but think, "Oh my, she must have been through a lot. Wait a minute, isn't she the student council president of Raimon High, the Ice Empress?"

Anna :"You are Terumi-san, the captain and president of Zeus High, right?"

Afuro : "Yes, I'm glad that the Empress of Raimon noticed me. By the way, are you sure it's okay to take that much medication? Should I take you to the hospital?"

Anna: reassured him, "No, it's okay. It's not the first time this has happened."

Anna:"If you don't mind, Terumi-san, please don't tell anyone about what you saw today."

Afuro : "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Well then, I hope you get better and be sure to get some rest while you're at it. I'll excuse myself now."

After thanking him again, Anna and Afuro parted ways. Anna returned to the place where Ootani had asked her to meet to try on their uniforms.

Ootani: What took you so long, Anna-chan?

 Anna: I kinda got lost on the way, but there was a kind guy who helped me out. 

 Ootani: Oh, and who may that be? *she said while making a weird face* 

 Anna: I don't know, he's just a kind guy who helped me out. 

 Ootani: Ah, I thought it was your prince charming.

 Anna: Anna's face went gloomy. By the way, Ootani, that prince charming? Well, he and I are done. 

 Ootani: WHAT?! 

 Anna: Listen, Ootani, You see, I really cherish you, my dear friend. Actually, you're the first real friend that I've had in my entire life. The way you always make me feel included and you're so kind to me without asking for any favor in return, I trust you. So, can you please not let me regret it? 

(Anna always felt like the people she cared about either betrayed her or used her to get closer to her family. No one has ever treated her the way she was.)

 Ootani: Ah, Anna. *she said while sobbing and hugging Anna* I feel the same way about our friendship. People always thought I was annoying and clumsy, so they often come to hate me and I always end up left behind. But I'm glad I met you. So, what do you say, besties for life? Anna: For life. *hugging her back*

 Anna: So, um, there's something I need to tell you about that guy I liked. 

 Ootani: Go on, spill the tea, girl. 

 Couch Kudou: Come on now, the team has been chosen, so go on and introduce yourselves to the team. 

 Ootani: Oh damn, we missed the selection. 

 Anna: That's alright, we're going to meet them anyway. Let's go.


Hello everyone, sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. 😊

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