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Sahiba rushed to the hospital, her heart heavy with worry for Angad and his family. As she entered the hospital room, she saw Angad sitting beside his father's bed, his face drawn with concern.

Angad looked up as Sahiba entered, his eyes red from lack of sleep and worry. "Sahiba, I'm so glad you're here."

Sahiba went to Angad and hugged him tightly. "I'm here for you, Angad. How's your dad?"

Angad sighed heavily. "He's stable for now, but the doctors say it's going to be a long road to recovery."

Sahiba squeezed Angad's hand reassuringly. "We'll be here every step of the way. Your family is my family now."

Angad's eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Sahiba. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sahiba smiled softly. "We'll get through this together, Angad. I promise."

As they sat together in the hospital room, Sahiba realized that their love was stronger than any obstacle they faced. And no matter what life threw their way, they would always be there for each other, supporting and comforting one another through the good times and the bad.

As Sahiba and Angad sat together in the hospital room, supporting each other through this difficult time, Sahiba's phone buzzed with a message. It was from her father, Ajeet.

Sahiba read the message aloud, "Sahiba, where are you? Please call me urgently."

Worry crept into Sahiba's heart. She quickly dialed her father's number.

Ajeet answered on the first ring, his voice frantic. "Sahiba, where are you? Your mother and I need you to come home right away!"

Sahiba's heart raced. "What happened, Dad? Is everything okay?"

Ajeet hesitated before replying, his voice strained. "It's... it's about the lottery, Sahiba. There's been a problem."

Sahiba's mind raced with fear and confusion. "What kind of problem, Dad? What's going on?"

Ajeet took a deep breath before answering, his voice trembling. "The lottery ticket, Sahiba... it's missing. I can't find it anywhere."

Sahiba's heart sank as the weight of her father's words sank in. "Missing? But how? Where did you last see it?"

Ajeet's voice cracked with emotion. "I don't know, Sahiba. I had it with me this morning, and now it's gone. I've searched everywhere, but it's nowhere to be found."

Sahiba felt a surge of panic rising inside her. "Dad, we have to find that ticket! It's worth millions!"

Ajeet's voice was filled with desperation. "I know, Sahiba. I've already called the lottery office, but they said without the physical ticket, there's nothing they can do."

Sahiba's mind raced as she tried to think of a solution. "Okay, Dad. Don't worry. I'm coming home right now, and we'll figure this out together."

As Sahiba hung up the phone, she turned to Angad, her eyes filled with worry. "Angad, I have to go. Something's happened at home."

Angad looked at her, concern written all over his face. "What's wrong, Sahiba? Is everything okay?"

Sahiba shook her head, her voice trembling. "I don't know, Angad. My dad just called. He said the lottery ticket is missing."

Angad's eyes widened in shock. "Missing? But that's... that's terrible, Sahiba."

Sahiba nodded, her heart heavy with fear. "I know, Angad. I have to go home and help them find it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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