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Emotion, apology...

I don't think they can Apologize for what they did...

They destroyed your rose and turned it black...

They did the opposite of what they were supposed to do...

They gaslighted you....

Manipulated you...

You became their own puppet for free...

Just, because you love them, not everything is always as it seems...

Everything was so sweet...

Until they tried to kill your rose...

Little do they know...

You might, make the rose grow again...

And, give it to them...

But, if they chop it off again...

Show them the rose...

A black rose that has now grew thorns...

Explain to them, what they did...

Make them feel guilty...

And, If they make the rose redden again...

After time...

Your two roses will grow together...


Side by side forever....

And, maybe even have a little rose grow by their side...

Love, Is such a complicated thing...

It's beauty is impeccable...

Just like, a kitten or dog... 

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